Why do Republicans support killing children?

Why do Republicans support killing children?

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Because zoomers are children, duh.
Pic unrelated

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Thank God none of the are fetuses

>spic kills spics while spic cops watch

>this must be muh Republicans somehow

Get Uvalde'd

>What is the NRA?

Attached: retard.jpg (812x1024, 61.18K)

You leftard dipshit, mass shootings in schools represent less than 1% of all gun deaths in America.
With the vast majority of gun murders being a black male 16-40 killing another black male 16-40 with a handgun, why do Democrats support defunding police*, opposing cash bail, and revolving-door justice?

*Not Biden though, he did a 180 on that a month or so back LOL

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so prohibiting weapons could help us save lifes, r-right?

yeah, it's just some kids. what's the big deal if it keeps on happening in the best country in the world? fuck anyone that wants to take away my toys i mean guns.

Spoken like a true racist piece of shit RepubliKKKan. You are positively transparent. You've never served in the military or any other capacity to brag you are a patriot. At least the immigrant spics had to learn the amendments. Quick - without looking....who was the 3rd president of the US? - You don't fucking know. Piece of shit.

I can't even tell which side of the border Uvalde is on lol.

You could slash the murder rate by over 50% if you just disarmed 4.5% of the population. No need to disarm all gun owners, just the violent, irrational ones.
Nice strawman. Leftards focus on school shootings because they are driven by emotion, not logic. School shootings are tragic but so are non-school shootings and there are a fuckload more of those.

He might not know who the third president was but at least he knows that biological sex is a fact and ‘gender’ is made up bullshit.

>Not logic
You guys literally only care about life until it's born. You'd rather a child be beaten and starved in a conservative Christian household that will treat the adopted child like shit than one with gay parents that will actually cherish them. You guys think a sky fairy will favor you even though you're some of the worse people on the planet so much that the comparison to Islamic fundamentalist crossed with Nazis isn't too far from the truth. You actively want to spend trillions on pointless wars, no the money doesn't trickle down retard, instead of a few thousands making sure kids in schools don't go without food. You guys actively try to sweep your abhorrent history under the rug to the point that you argue that the kkk shouldn't be discussed in history class. You're actively treated with kids gloves by the media but absolutely cry when given the slightest of push back to your horrible ideas. So privileged that any progress to anyone without pale skin have jumping and shouting "great replacement" which is good you should be replaced. With something better. You claim to be good heavenly people but relish the day that will never come where you can kill in cold blood and be celebrated. Conservatives are everything wrong with this country. Conservatives are unironic evil. See you during the next fake war on christmas you loser.

Why to own the libs, of course! Just don't think too hard about it (God knows they didn't).

Gender is a social construct. Sex is biological orientation. How is this hard concept. Oh yeah most republicunts only know about sex from thier prude parents telling them to be ashamed of themselves. We'll be here when you leave the closet.

Not a Christian, and I support abortion rights, because I recognise that women who need an abortion will get one no matter what. And I’d rather that be done safely and properly than with a coat hanger in some back room. Doesn’t mean I have to love the activity itself.
See this is the issue with you fucking leftist idiots. You have this picture of the right-wing boogeyman in your heads and will regurgitate pages of schizoid bullshit attacking someone for points they haven’t made, or beliefs they haven’t stated are theirs.
Stay ignorant you literal subhuman.

(Also abortion is great because it kills 650+ black people a day and I support that)

Sex is a biological reality, gender in the classic sense is the activities and behaviours that people belonging to a sex normally exhibit.
Leave it to troons to mutilate their bodies and society instead of changing their activities and behaviours. And you wonder why normal, sane people shun you.

Because Democrats use projection like cocaine addicts

Aren't zoomers like 27 now?

You literally just said I'm right but rather than a person accepting themselves you'd rather they live an unhappy lie. Big oof.

(X) doubt