What was he trying to say?

Remember when Dems wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment because Trump walked down some wet stairs slowly?

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He was trying to say "OP is a faggot".

lol, fpbp

His diction is a little odd but the point is clear, is it fair that companies get massive handouts that don't help anyone but their shareholders?

There should be an age limit on senators and presidents.
You shouldn't be able to stand for elections past the age of 65. It's bad for the country and makes us weak

Yes, because most peoples retirement are those shareholders. You know how many people are employed by these corporations? How many cities and states rely on them? I would much rather see those companies get money from the government than pay off somebody else’s debt. Wtf, how is that fair in the slightest? Did you lose your fucking mind when you agreed to pay back hundreds of thousands of dollars for a degree in absolute bullshit? Fuck you, I’m not paying for that. Holy shit, November can’t come soon enough.

the second you employ 1.3 million people I will vote to reduce your rate of taxation because even at one percent you still pay more 99% of americans combined.

what do you think? these people have scrooge mcduck pools of coins and gold bars?

you deserve the hell you've created

Nice deflection. How does one completely unrelated instance of unfairness relate to the question that was asked. Why should irresponsibility be rewarded?.

Nope, don’t remember that one There was some talk within Trump’s inner circle about invoking the 25th Amendment after Trump’s coup attempt failed to accomplish anything more than getting his supporters shot, arrested, and convicted. Maybe you are misremembering?

So, if student debt is forgiven now, what do we do with new students? They just go to school for free now? Universities will directly bill the government now? How does that work?

Look a bunch of faggots who cant stop talking about politics on Any Forums.

I’m sorry that you can’t understand very basic speech and concepts from a very old wise man.

>the irresponsibility of gaining an education
The fact that there are people this stupid wandering around explains the state of our country today.

no, nothing is changing about tuition. It's a one time payment of 10k. Yes it's that dumb.

Hey, I’m also saving porn!

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You're not paying for shit. Student loan interest was put on freeze ever since the COVID Relief Act.

And even if it were taxed. The individual or joint couple would have to pay for it out of pocket come next tax session.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about retard. Go back to watching fox news.

20k if you're an undergrad with a pell grant. You can check what kind of grants you have applied by your schools financial aid at studentaid.gov

Dude you need to give your two brain cells a rest.

New students will not benefit from it. It only applies to student loans within a specific date that has yet to be specified.

If you're a new student you ain't getting shit unless you got lucky.

Billionaires got $1,200,000,000 for their loans to be forgiven but republicans don't think it's fair that lower to middle class people are being offered anything.
Their reasoning is that since something I just happened to someone, it must then forcibly happen to everyone for all time (but not them).
This is why they're called Russian bots. It's the only reason that makes the most sense as to why republicans hate America and her people so much.

I truly wish we have presidents that can articulate what they're trying to say. That would be nice.

>Journo attempts Malarkey
>Malarkey is turned aside
Simple as

Yeah, why should millionaires be rewarded by being bailed out when they drive their companies into the ground?

Okay I haven't been on social media in a little while. Why is he being called "dark Brandon" now?

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