/sdg/ Stable Diffusion General

Old thread: Image limit will be the end of us edition.

>Starter guides:
rentry.org/GUItard - Current main guide
github.com/hlky/stable-diffusion/wiki/Linux-Installation - Linux install script
rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide - AyyMD Stable Diffuse v1.4 for Win10
rentry.org/sdamd - Updated AMD guide
Updating old installs >Voldemort guide:

>Training guide:

>Compute Platforms with free GPUs:
- Colab
- PaperSpace

>Current scripts:


>Colab with new model

>CLIP Search:

>Prompt search:


>SaaS sites:
huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion - Free txt2img
huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest - Free img2img
beta.dreamstudio.ai - Free txt2img, New accounts get 200 generations
pornpen.ai - Free txt2img, NSFW focused
dezgo.com - Free txt2img
huggingface.co/naclbit/trinart_stable_diffusion - txt2img specializing in animu

/h/ /sdhb/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Official discord: discord.gg/stablediffusion
NSFW discord: discord.gg/2ZhBzDGf8u
Tech support Matrix: matrix.to/#/#info:conlaboro.xyz
Stability.ai updates: twitter.com/EMostaque

Attached: 1418533922043.png (1024x1024, 1.62M)

Holy shit. I was playing around with different samplers at low sample rates and they all looked around the same. It was heun's turn and I got this fucking masterpiece.

A digital painting of a young girl sitting on top of a large clock tower in the middle of a city with a dark vortex on the horizon, by WLOP, concept art, key visual, artstation, ultra detailed, 4k, hd, detailed face
Steps: 11, Sampler: Heun, CFG scale: 13, Seed: 1485408363

Attached: 220905_02.png (512x512, 363.1K)

Attached: grid-04493-619192849_Maisie_Williams,_attractive,_sexy,_dark,_gloomy,_desaturated,_award-winning,_by_Greg_Rutkowski.jpg (1536x1536, 607.2K)

Here you go sir

It better be good with how slow it is. Let me try to replicate your prompt.

Attached: 1355277399413.jpg (1536x1536, 440.27K)

inb4 sdfag turns the whole thread into the worst general ever once again while hiding his cope over the fact that nobody likes him

Attached: grid-04494-269649489_Mary_Elizabeth_Winstead,_attractive,_sexy,_dark,_gloomy,_desaturated,_award-winning,_by_Greg_Rutkowski.jpg (1536x1536, 530.13K)

Uhm, what did he do the last time you saw him? He didn't even post in the last 6 or 7 threads. Maybe once

Attached: grid-0054.jpg (1536x2112, 772.09K)

a) how do you know what he's doing, and b) you should have seen the obvious improvement after he fucked off if you were in those threads

to be honest, you're the only one derailing

Attached: 00105-252544195-realistic_proportions,_cyberpunk_favela_backalley,_tall_futuristic_buildings,_cliques_of_people,_sci-fi_punk_fashion,_gritty,_ne.png (1536x896, 2.23M)


Attached: 1430031044041.png (1536x1024, 2.2M)

Attached: 00000-4240170162.png (1432x2250, 2.8M)

Attached: 00000-660193464.png (1850x1345, 2.14M)


That is pretty fucking cool. But looks a lot less like a city, more like a super futuristic massive space station or something.

there's at least one other guy who knows about you posting within 20 minutes of you coming back. it's derailing but it's in the interest of future threads if i can get you to fuck off now

Attached: file.png (919x97, 14.88K)


i've been here all day, please stop.

Wanna ask about this since I have a hard time figuring this out: there seems to be alot of artists trained into this thing, but has anyone been able to figure out what smaller artists or more obscure artists might be listed? or specific characters maybe?

The reason I ask is because I figured out that 'designed by' has a particular control over pose and body shape that can go against the rather hard structure a seed can cause for those things. So I'd like to get a decent list of these to experiment with.

The funniest one I found so far has been "designed by hitomi tanaka" because it gets really fun body shapes and poses. as does "hajime sorayama"

>w̷̭͝h̴̢̤̄͆e̷͎͠ŗ̶̀ẻ̶͈̯͆ ̷̮̱͌d̸͎̣̾ò̷̞̟̓ ̵͕̜̈́y̶͓̯̐͗o̸̭̒̓͜u̶̜̦̍͐ ̴̥̽w̵̻̰̓o̸͈̹͗̃r̷̰͑̊k̴̢̕ ̸͈͋̽o̸̘u̸̪̇t̵̨̝̀?̷͇̪̇͌

>the library.

what's the difference between ancestral and non-ancestral samplers?

yoou're a faggot, yyou're cancer for these threads and you should go back to posting how you were before, if you're even telling the truth about being here all day. which i assume you're not

Hey, that's why these networks are fun; they're random and somethimes give you something that wasn't what you were looking for but is fucking brilliant.

you can try to search for them in the CLIP search, see OP

That's cool, some Silent Hill type shit. Kid worked out that they can only see you if your eyes are open, so he scavenges and moves through the ruins using his other senses to guide him.

the kid just forgot his risperdal at home on his way to school