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Your religious beliefs are yours to have freely, but don't act like prayers are an actual answer to school shootings.

Who's going apoplectic when adults pray? The fuck she's talking about?

How many school shooters considered themselves athiests and how many professed to being devote Christians? I thought so. I'm a non-believer and some of the things done by religious people do seem wack to someone from the outside. But the trouble with our society is that we removed the moral compass of religion before it could be replaced by something better.

Why does every single conservative argument rely on absurd strawmen?

Unironically this.
Religion has more than enough flaws but it seems like it gets replaced by "I do whatever the fuck I want, no matter who suffers"
And that's going to backfire, the shittier the other circumstances (disparity between rich/poor, racism, psychological issues), the sooner

its a classic because it tends to work on idiots and that is their audience.
>screech about imaginary or wildly misleading "problem"
>rant about how you're going to fix it
>grift on the above issue is optional
>declare that you've won vs the imaginary thing
see also: happy holidays, libraries with a book about having two dads, migrant caravan trains

there is no moral compass when the morals are "don't do this, but if you do just ask for forgiveness"

I don't care about you praying to God but I don't want to pay for it and think you should be paying taxes like everyone else. Why do you get special treatment?

Because "but who will pay for it" is no longer a valid argument for propping up the pharmaceutical industry and not providing healthcare to our citizens when our health budget is over twice the amount it would cost to provide universal healthcare to the American population and the largest in the world by far. That money needs to keep lining the pockets of big pharma and their paid off representatives so culture war strawmen is their only political position now.

Because they're stupid?

Who the fuck supports naked strangers dancing in front of children. Are these the same folks that like clubbing baby seals to death?

>When you're okay with children being slaughtered by the dozens in their schools but go apoplectic when you see two adult men kissing- you're on the side of evil and we're done pretending any different

See? It's not so hard to make stupid arguments that sound punchy but are ultimately meaningless

>youre on the side of evil

>Nudity is harmful to kids.
Fuck you! No kid has ever developed PTSD as a result of seeing human bodies in their natural state.

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The left is controlled by jews which is why they always endorse the most degenerate, gluttonous and hedonistic positions in the culture wars. They love nothing more than to see good people defiled.

>controlled by jews
remind me again which group worships a book written by jews?

You don't know about Christianity vs Judaism, do you?

I know the old testament is based off of 24 books of the Tanakh

You saying jews wrote the new testament. Jews don't believe in heaven or hell.

"Why does every single conservative argument" that is legitimate, like the fact that the radical leftists want/are trying to sexualize/psychologically destabilize children, a fact both openly admitted and demonstrably true...gets dismissed as a strawman?

>The left is trying to sexualize children.
Got any evidence for this? Because telling kids it's okay to be gay is not "sexualizing" them.

Christian/catholic priests have been kid fucking for thousands of years. That's all christianity is, a place for kid fuckers to protect each other.

Pure mental illness... Kill yourselves.

No you brainwashed imbecile, it's 100% true.

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That is your "proof"? That's barely worth responding to. Christians/catholic priests are the real kid fuckers in America.

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Children are born into this world naked. Nobody is born believing in some silly sky wizard. Cuckservashits are the ones brainwashing the youth, expecting them and forcing them to abide by some ancient faith that's led to more bloodshed than any other ideal in humanity. If god was real, and we're made in his "image", then he must be super fucking retarded and that's just undeniable. Dumb little evangelical church deity is most certainly on the spectrum.