Genuinely and unironically, does anyone else beside me live like this?

Genuinely and unironically, does anyone else beside me live like this?

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looks comfy af

Literally own less than this. This nigga has a bunch of boxes piled up in the corner. I have literally a laptop, 2 weeks worth of clothes, one shoebox of misc shit. I do have a TV and ps4 though so that is something Rust wouldn't have piled up in his house. I can live out of a room that big though easily.

I'd get a frame for the bed, but otherwise I see no issue living like this.

cozy. nothing wrong with that

Yes. You can get mold under your mattress if you don't have a raised frame.

I think all men want to live like this. It is our instinct.

are you a fag? Why do you let men in your bedroom?

How do you play vidya with your mates, user?

My weakness is books. If it wasn't for my books, I would have very little besides my cat and my laptop. I have a couple of other things like a folder with my birth certificate, degree certificates etc. I have clothes, gym gear, I don't own any ornaments or other sentimental stuff that I wouldn't be happy to just walk away from.

I wouldn't sleep on the floor though - shit's nasty and I'm not a meth head or a mental homeless squatter.

I did many years back. I actually owned the house but I removed all furniture. Just a mattress on the floor, pillow, tv, a clothes rack and that’s it. I kept the place neat and tidy.

The lack of clutter really helped me think clearly. All these came to an end when I got a gf. She needed a proper bed to sleep on else she “won’t stay over.” And then she took the liberty to order whole sets of furnishing. Now the whole place is cluttered with too much stuff all over. Should have got rid of her when I could but the sex was too good.

Yes - we moved across the country. While the majority of our stuff was in transit, the apartment has the very bare minimum - example, OP’s picture. It’s a nice throwback to my high school living, except 100% cleaner. It will be hard to go back to the unnecessary clutter.

Where do you build your lego sets with this lifestyle?

I used to have this weakness too but I started to seriously look at which books I actually even had an interest in and it wasn't a very large number of them. I had lost interest in a topic long before actually opening a book. As a result I am down from maybe 12 shelves to 1.5 shelves.

What happened to her? You write it in the past tense. If she is gone, why not go back to that?

I genuinely will not go back. Anyone wants unnecessary shit can keep it hidden away in their space.

I live with clutter around me and I just wanna fucking declooter!

Drug addicts live like that too.

Drug addicts live in filth. They are really quite disgusting with their hygiene. This is totally different.

get a bed frame car



been living like this for 4 years now

Attached: yep.jpg (1080x1414, 538.25K)

Holy back pain batman! Other than that, this is genuinely my dream. Do you think it is possible to list all your possessions user? Just that stuff and the clothes in your wardrobe or you got hidden boxes?

Dude, at least get a futon.

get a proper desk and chair user
bad back ain't worth it

Got a stool so I can replace the light bulb and a few amazon boxes that I use as tables for things that I don't want on the floor.

Other than that I have a regular wardrobe and plenty of other possessions, just never got around to buying furniture because it's not like I'll ever invite anyone home to sit on it anyways.

My back started hurting after a year so I bought a second mattress to put over the old one and it's been fine ever since. One big pillow against the wall works perfectly fine for sitting.

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