Why doesn't microsoft have their own internet control software?

Another day I got a microsoft assistant to fix my computer, he used a software called AnyDesk and I got charged $200 for the service. It was very expensive for a simple job.

But then I found out that AnyDesk isn't made by microsoft.
How come Microsoft never made a built in internet controller that is inside windows.

Attached: Microsoft_logo_(2012).svg.png (2560x545, 49.56K)

I don't know what the fuck internet control software is supposed to be but Microsoft built RDP into Windows which predates Anydesk by 6 years

they do have one, and nobody uses it.
fuck windows
for me, it's rustdesk

>How come Microsoft never made a built in internet controller that is inside windows.
Well you have Microsoft Assistant and Remote control.

But yeah as pointed out it has become disused.

forget anydesk, how are you so retarded as to need a "microsoft assistant" to fix your computer?
how did you even solve the captcha?

BTW Remote control is best used for internal system control (NT Server farm), where you can control specific allowable IP connections and so on.

>how are you so retarded as to need a "microsoft assistant" to fix your computer?
I got a popup telling me that my computer had a virus and I had to call some number from microsoft.

godspeed towards your fate user - i salute you

may the god of random numbers assist you in your hour of need

>charged $200
>"microsoft assistant"
>simple job
Let me guess.. He had an Indian accent too right?

>I got a microsoft assistant to fix my computer,
huh ?

Please check your bank account


What? Remote Desktop? They do. RDP is based and just werks.

What is a microsoft assistant

Keep your racist bullshit on /Pol

>microsoft assistant
Some individual can take over your PC from Microsoft.
Dunno if its used anymore.
OP claims he got a popup. That's not Microft assisant. That's the new spam engine.

This so much.
We got kiwifarms.
Any Forums is next.

Go fuck a cactus, peckerneck

Why the fuck are you defending an incel-den like Any Forums? Go fuck yourself piece of shit.
Go back to crying about the jews and trans people.

>Why the fuck are you defending an incel-den like Any Forums?
You moron.
Any Forums is the free-est speech in the history of the world.

Please tell me you’re trolling

OP got scammed. Next time never call the number

>microsoft assistant