Be a 30 year old virgin

>Be a 30 year old virgin
>Never kissed, held hands or dated either
So how old are you virgins?

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21 almost 22.

np lost my virginity at 23 (i fucked drunk girl when i was 20 but that does not count for me).

Please stop sending this image

27. Don’t really care anymore. Life as a NEET is comfy.

It's called posting you ESL fucking tourist go back to the youtube comments section

Seems like I just can't say the right things in conversations. I either expect others to continue the conversation and they don't or I'll start going into too much detail about something and people quickly become disinterested.

>oh nyooo he didn't say what i always say!!!! thats illegal he needs to leave!!

kill yourself you degenerate virgin
I'm glad you stay in your basement on this website than contributing to society

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>Be a 28 yr old virgin
If by some miracle I get a date, my lack of relationship expereince at this old age would be a huge red flag for any woman that she would ghost me.

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fuck off tourist

go back to pol

I would advise you to just practice. Instead of overexplaining crack a joke from time to time, if it ends up being awkward one joke about it being terrible joke. I had same problem when i was teen and with practice it got better.

Why? Any Forums basically represents the worst aspects of Any Forums. Are you projecting right now?

36, but at 39 I will just hire a prostitute just to get it out of the way. I actually want to have my own kids more than just having sex for fun, my libido is way lower than it was at 16-20. I think thats the optimal age to really have sex.

I feel like a joke based on the situation is best but I'm bad at making jokes on the spot. And then there's the chance I'll say it in the wrong tone, stutter, or say it too quickly and they won't understand.

Just practice, get a bit drunk if need be. World will not end if you land your firs lay in late 30s

The "updated for GenXers" version

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I feel like I'm a born again virgin at 32 if that counts. I've had so little intimacy from women in my life and it's been years. I just wish I could be touched every now and then. Having to pay for that to happen just feels awful, even though I have done it. Previous bad experiences and being generally pissed off and irritated by the people around me who I am forced to live with is also killing my inspiration to actually try to meet women. I just want to sit in my room with headphones on, get drunk and ignore the whole world. At least I finally have a good job though. I am just so unhappy and lonely. I'm really sorry for you guys who are older virgins. It must weigh on your mind a lot and make you feel shitty. I hope that isn't the case but don't feel bad about yourselves or compare yourselves to others.

Your virgin status doesnt matter. It's how YOU react to it. Our capitalistic society banks on sex. Sex is the biggestseller in the world. Ask yourself if all your thoughts are your own.

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Yeah you're making sense. That's why I actually like icebreaker activities at the beginning of college classes. Did one this afternoon with the attractive girl beside me.

One more advice is dont be too pushy and try too hard i have a friend like that, its more off putting that way, act more naturally.