Are buzz cuts mandatory in jail?

Are buzz cuts mandatory in jail?

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They want to avoid lice but I don't think a buzz cut is mandatory. Chris chan still had long hair in his most recent mugshot.

>They want to avoid lice

How do they enforce this? buzz cut encouragement?

Depends where you are. Used to be common in the US for example

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Up until just a few years ago, no long hair, facial hair was allowed and it got shaved off.
Now days, with a (kinder/gentler) corrections force, it seems anything goes.

I imagine a buzz cut would be beneficial in a brawl and it makes you look like less of a bitch.

Probably prison social norms. Long hair is more than likely an indicator to rape.

That's true

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Kind of. In jail/prison cutting your hair is mandatory in the sense that it comes in the form of pressure from the other inmates/prisoners. No guard would cut your hair or touch it, but if you got mangy nasty long hair the inmates will treat you as a nasty person and you'll get ostracized.
If you're an active gang member they will require you keep it cut and good looking. If your hair gets so long it becomes a safety issue, the guards will threaten you to get it cut.
While in jail it's also in your best interest to keep it cut and fresh to look as normal and regular as possible for your court appearances. You want to show your judge you can change.
Also while locked up, your hair is one of the only things you can control about yourself, so cutting it feels like you're making your own choice to change your body. It also fills an hour of your day, and builds friendship with whoever the barber is of your race.
Also it's in your interests to not be something people can grab if they wanted to get in a fight. Also requires more shampoo which means more commissary money.
So it's not mandatory but there's pressure to make you do it yourself.

Why do you think Animaterr "Graham Walker" Man is bald? He's uploading videos & making all the log threads from jail.

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That's really clear and concise. Thanks for your input user.

He's in a mental asylum in Stavanger, Norway.



Yes she really is


you're welcome. TBH I also think it's fun getting a haircut. It's kind of like asmr, or getting a massage. Even if from a sweaty mexican rapist and you're deathly afraid they didn't sanitize the clippers and you'll get hep-c.

Only makes sense, prison population is mostly black males who never went above a size 2 with the clippers and haven't smelt a woman in 20 years. Being a silky haired man might not be an excellent idea.

>haven't smelt a woman in 20 years

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You would go into a cell with men that have been locked up for considerable amount of time?

it's a likely indicator that you are a "J-Cat." or that you're "Catting out." nobody likes crazy people while locked up.