Western studio in charge of a beloved Japanese franchise

>western studio in charge of a beloved Japanese franchise
Did this work one single time?

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Robotech was better than Macross and Southern Cross.
No, I won't take back on what I said

Left looks good
I like right more but i wish More western animation looked like the left instead of steven universe

Rare and DK

both of them look bad but left looks like it had a fraction of the budget right has. anime has always been kind of ugly and has gotten exponentially worse looking over the past 15 years or so.

Retro Studios - Metroid, DK
Rareware - DK
Lizardcube/Guard Crush - Streets of Rage

I'm not a weeb but I don't think DK counts as a beloved japanese franchise.
Rare did a good work though.

It didn’t just work, it fucked.

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Pac-Man World
Sonic Mania

anime back then wasn't exactly high budget

The macross part of robotech is great and I would recommend it to anyone, not so sure about the rest though

Noriyasu was pretty godlike for female characters in the 90s even if you isolate just Japanese production.

Uchiyama Aki was going to do the character designs for the The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross part in Robotech. While they didn't use his designs in the anime itself, they still released promotional material and art books with his art for it. Kind of funny when a clueless westerner, who's a big fan of Robotech, stumbles headfirst into the King of Lolicon when they try to import Japanese goods related to it.

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>No, I won't take back on what I said
Then die.

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Power Rangers. The literal reason "Saban Moon" got made in the first place.

Devil May Cry. Fuck you. Tameem did nothing wrong. Dante is fucking cringe and would get laughed out of any bar with his $50 haircut looking twink ass.

Basically Sonic anything that isn't Boom: Rise of Lyric.


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Were the original parts with the diverse cast of American teenagers really an improvement over the original Sentai series? I only saw the second episode of Power Rangers with some pig-guy, and while I liked the Japanese original parts, I didn't care at all for anything with the live action teenagers.

Dead Rising 2 was okay.

>Were the original parts with the diverse cast of American teenagers really an improvement over the original Sentai series?
In terms of capturing an American audience and making money, yes. Power Rangers wasn't the first time they tried bringing Sentai over to the US, but it was the first time it succeeded, let alone succeeded to such a degree it spawn like a dozen copycats.

Soul vs soulless

Left has bigger boobs

At least once, pic related obviously.

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Gross, ugly hags

Shut the fuck up, Tamaymay.

>implying Dante doesnt order ice cream sundaes at bars and actually get them

heard they found this. kind of neat but glad they didn't make it.

wasn't Dead Rising 2 a product of Capcom doing exactly that?
also holy fuck Saban Moon is a trip, shit was practically as related to its source material as nu-Prey is to Prey

God, a calarts sailor moon is the thing of fucking nightmares, makes the cancelled 90's version look like a masterpiece.

Wrong, ADV dub > Robotech

Dumb esl poster

Donkey Kong Country
Metroid Prime
Sonic Mania (technically Sonic 2 and Adventure 2 as well)

it sort of exists
it's called high guardian spice
yeah it sucks

I hate Steven Universe but the art style of the show is about 10x better than the left.

The Dirty Pair did just fine.
Speed Racer by the Wachowskis was exceptional.
And hey, this is a video game board, how about Donkey Kong Country?>I don't think DK counts as a beloved japanese franchise.
It's one of the biggest Arcade games from the era where arcades we're popular worldwide. It's the origin of Mario. Come on.

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>It's the origin of Mario. Come on.
Maybe the origin of Mario in America, but I'm pretty sure there was some crappy, simple game with Mario before it in Japan.

You're pretty wrong. Mario is from Donkey Kong. After that he was the villain in Donkey Kong Jr., and the following year he finally got game with his name in the title.

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this is by that same guy who makes that empowered comic with all the bondage scenarios, isn't it?

>left: GTA Trilogy Remaster / Saints Row Remaster
>right: GTA series / SR 1-3

When it comes to Nintendo and SEGA games the west seems to do such a better job at it that it's almost not funny.

Yep. Dark Horse published Dirty Pair comics is what put him on the map, but he also did some work on an American Appleseed.

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Careful now, the bad examples will come flooding in if you talk like that.

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>Speed Racer by the Wachowskis was exceptional
I don't see how anybody thinks that was good.

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Nobody cares because only Gen X watches either and they started with Robotech anyway.

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Eh, it's mixed. Americans gave us Mania and the Boom cartoon, but American "contributions" also include Ken Penders and butchering the Sonic CD ost. Americans also just did a lot of damage to the lore, shoving in the whole Mobius thing (along with the absolute trash in the Sonic Bible which thankfully didn't stick).

>When it comes to Nintendo games
Nigga what? Aside from Metroid and DK that is not at all true.

Things like Mobius and the scrapped Sonic Bible were commonplace in translated media in the pre-internet era and you can't really say that's a Sonic specific thing.

Left does not look good, not by any stretch of the imagination.

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Soul / Soulless

you have no soul

Every time I see someone says this I know they're a retard with shit taste.



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>That's it?
>That's the lost pilot?

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made a pretty good hardcore game too

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Good enough to fap.

pure soul


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Your dad owns Harmony Gold, doesn't he?

I think left is cuter tbdesu


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considering this was done in the 90's? i think it could have looked a lot worse. the girls look too old though, and not even in a lolicon kinda way. they just look like adults instead of like teenagers.

I need webms of the flying battle wheelchair.

Still inferior to the first game.

Funny since the casting call for the live action portion was for adult women that could pass as 16.

left is better

jannies tounge my anus

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Mods are fags.

The fuck is wrong with mods? This thread was mostly talking about vidya. Anyway:
Bionic Commando ReArmed
Cadence of Hyrule
Streets of Rage 4