Why is it that every time I see a productive person using linux they're using GNOME?

Why is it that every time I see a productive person using linux they're using GNOME?

Attached: gnomegodot.jpg (1793x981, 192.74K)

customization of gui is a waste of time

It's the closest to a tiling WM in the sense that it can actually be controlled entirely by the keyboard, and it puts as little distance between you and the programs as possible.
People are just used to the windows layout.

what is alt tab?

People who use godot aren't productive. They're wasting their time as much as someone laying on a couch doing nothing.

GNOME just werks and it's almost an OOTB experience by default, you mostly just have to install a couple of extensions and change a few settings and you're done.

GNOME just werks

Attached: dude.jpg (900x675, 180.78K)

>discord (in meme channel)
>posting desktop on reddit
real productive guy he must be

One of the upsides of using GNOME is that you don't need to tweak it all the time so you can just focus on getting work done.

This. I don't understand the hate for gnome. It's a great de that shifts the paradigm away from a windows like environment.


>copy MacOS and make UX focuses on gestures
>sucks ass on desktop
>Linux has the worst battery life of any system
>sucks ass on laptop
amazing, what a useless pile of shit

I had a hearty kek

Attached: mogery.jpg (405x637, 36.43K)

you rather can't tweak it than just don't


>copy MacOS and make UX focuses on gestures
Wrong. The bottom 'dock' is not visible by default, and is just as easily made into a panel as a dock.
>sucks ass on desktop
Debatable. Does I3 suck on a desktop? Gnome is an application launcher that lets you focus on the programs you are using, not the DE.
>Linux has the worst battery life of any system
Not Gnome but a linux issue, and sometimes it's better.
>sucks ass on laptop
Gnome Wayland was the best laptop experience I've had on a DE and prolonged battery life more than windows.

macOS copied GNOME newfriend

There are apps dedicated to tweaking GNOME, it's just that it's not required to get a usable environment, you can get up and working right away.

gnome is far from macos
yes it's shit for desktop
i don't know if it's just my machines but windows has way less battery time than linux for me
for a laptop it's the best desktop environment, especially with wayland and power saving mode

>macOS copied GNOME newfriend

You can't see the obvious Mac influence on GNOME Shell?

Attached: mac-os-snow-x-leopard.png (1440x900, 1M)

>Linux has the worst battery life of any system

Probably not surprising considering how uncooperative hardware manufactures like Nvidia and Broadcom have infamously been toward the Linux community.

>freetard unity
how incredibly productive

no not really, they both always influenced each other

You don't listen to ambient while coding?


why would i need any of that to do it?

there are two kinds of music: faggot noise, and music that is too distracting to listen to while using your brain

based redditoldchad, newfags ruined reddit.
yes i'm a redditchad
no i won't go back

For me, it's the baroque catalogue, practically prescription-strength productivity medicine.

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-09-04 15-16-51.png (1061x751, 373.62K)

i can just clone dwm, run make clean install and have it compiled in less than 3 seconds, no tweaking necessary.

if you are depressed you will try and improve your life
if you are not depressed there's no reason to

>streaming music

No one has over 82 million songs on their SSD. It's nice for exploring new music with radios and playlists. I can go from learning about an album or artist I never knew existed and listening to it within 10 seconds.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-04 at 15-28-06 how many songs does spotify have 2022 - Google Search.png (710x204, 33.75K)