This little fucker shat on my fucking couch and now i'm going to blow his pussy brain out

This little fucker shat on my fucking couch and now i'm going to blow his pussy brain out

Attached: Screenshot_20220823-070731~2.png (568x623, 415.94K)

Don't do it user. Eventually you'll feel like shit once your anger subsides. If not, then you have way more serious problems.

Do like I do. Any animal that's not a baby that uses the bathroom indoors is automatically an "outside" animal. At least give em a chance

Maybe, maybe

He shat on your couch because you haven't given him any where better to do it. Turn it on yourself faggot.

Instead of shootinf the pussy, shoot yourself in the pussy and post a pic

And you shat in the toilet, which is his couch

Have some perspective

Shoot your dick off instead, faggot. You know you wanna be a trans queen.

Attached: 16325477_1133473266752081_1471686911_o.png (1200x675, 597.68K)

>needs a gun to kill a cat
you gunfag americans are the most pathetic creatures on earth

shit on the cat, no need to shoot it

Yes i have, the fucker has his sand right there

Your government can come to your house and make you their bitch at any given moment.
Sleep tight, faggot.

Fucking faggot posts an image named "screenshot" and is trying to pass it off as a photo.

OP doesn't have a cat or a gun because he's a pussy who can't get pussy.

captcha: yw4dmt

Its a screenshot of a photo i took because i had to cut something out of the frame

no you're just a lying faggot. post another picture with a timestamp and stop trying to get attention here just because you got banned from sns you queer

Maybe buy a different brand

The worst captchas are the ones when you first arrive for the day... the "slider" ones. I swear I sometimes have to do them like 5 fucking times in a row to get them "redeemed acceptable" to continue. After that they just give you the non-slider ones.
It's not every time it happens... sometimes I get the slider ones on the 1st try successful. But not often.

So can yours, they will just bring more guns and assorted equipment.

get him a better couch

Less likely to happen for me than for you. Is what it is.

If singles, op spares kitty.


You should shoot yourself instead, retard.

What are you DOIN, Boy!?
This is all on you now. I hope you can cope the rest of your life.