Just had my first time gay sex with my boyfriend and holy shit, it was amazing...

Just had my first time gay sex with my boyfriend and holy shit, it was amazing. Even better than hundred fucks I had with my ex-girlfriend! ~

Attached: Gay.gif (600x763, 322.96K)

show butthole

Nope, that's only for him to see ^_^ ~

Good for you I guess, but why let everyone else know?

To spread the joy. I know there are many closeted people on here and maybe they'll be more comfy stepping out if they see others doing so and succeeding :) ~

Ah, so you're virtue signaling?

If that's what you want to call it, be my guest ~

You will never be a man.

Attached: 1656419618703.webm (256x480, 1.55M)

>If that's what you want to call it
It is, but I'm just a bi guy who is tired of people pretending that being gay or bi is so much better than being hetero.

I know you people are retarded because you don't even have the reading comprehension to understand he's already a gay man. Not a tranny. You people really are obsessed huh? You know I've heard therapy helps of you cant do the whole self acceptance thing

Weird, I was born one and I still am one...
I guess it just depends on the person. For some people being gay is better, for some being straight is better. Not saying that gay is always better, but it might be better for those who have bottled it up for so long to just try it and see if it's what they wanted all along ^_^ ~

Imagine the smell of that room

Attached: file.png (638x874, 379.82K)

>but it might be better for those who have bottled it up for so long to just try it and see if it's what they wanted all along
What makes you think that this is the prevalent state on here though?
There are guys on here who fap to dragons fucking station cars, so why would they be ashamed of being gay?

Grats user. I too hope to one day have a cute boy to fuck.

ok so you thought that hmm i should put my dick somewhere where there is actual human shit and fuck that and that was better than pussy that is actually made for cock.
you prob tell yourself you aren't mentally fucking insane or a complete retard from birth.

Attached: 1659113141677936.jpg (720x474, 46.32K)

There are many kinds of people here. From nazis to furries, but there are also regular gays and straights. What doesn't help one might help the other I guess ~

>What doesn't help one might help the other I guess
You're not really helping though, you are just attentionfagging. You also stick out like a sore thumb by using emojis all of the time, you're clearly new to this place.

Well you're just applying what I said before. It isn't helping you, maybe it helps someone else. Been here off and on since 2010 but being old here doesn't make you special. We're all anonymous here.

>Well you're just applying what I said before. It isn't helping you, maybe it helps someone else.
I doubt that it helps anyone though, you're acting like bragging is doing other people a favor.
I'd get it if you saw a thread where user was lamenting their recent realization of being gay and you stepped in to buck them up and let them know it ain't so bad to be bi or gay.
Heck I've done that myself.
But this thread is more along the lines of "I'm part of the current dominant culture, praise me plox".

Calling it the current dominant culture is detached from reality, even in the most liberal western countries. There's still a lot of homophobia and gays only account for +-5% of the population so they can't ever be "the dominant culture". Even if 90% of the people is completely okay with you having sex with guys, that means 1 out of 10 is against it. In a country of 10M people, that's a million people opposing you for simply who you are. That's something that no straight person ever faces because the amount of people that are irrevocably >opposed< to heterosexual relationships can be counted on 1 hand and they're all on tumblr.

Dominating the culture does not require a population advantage, it just makes it easier. It also doesn't require anyone to like you.

Black culture is extremely dominant throughout the world, yet they certainly aren't a majority and are more maligned than gays.

>There's still a lot of homophobia
Where? Just words or actual violence?
Heck I stopped going to prides once grandmas were enthusiastically pointing us out to their grand children and saying positive shit about us.
>gays only account for +-5% of the population so they can't ever be "the dominant culture".
They can if they are being catered to by education, politics and corporate entities, which they currently are.
>Even if 90% of the people is completely okay with you having sex with guys, that means 1 out of 10 is against it.
That is their prerogative though and if they get shit for acting on that by the rest of society, them existing is a non issue.
>that's a million people opposing you for simply who you are.
Only if you rub your sexuality in their face, if they don't know who you fuck, they have no incentive to hate you.