1 word


Attached: kali lincox.jpg (474x266, 30.79K)

2 words
fuck you

>muh systemd
Is systemd hate unironically a sign of sub 80 iq?

3 words
OP is retarded

1 word

2 words
>BlackArch Linux

Attached: 1649695689504.png (1626x536, 670.54K)

Why is the word black so commonly used together with penetration? Was this website built by cucks?

maybe because of black hats?

>penetration with the use of black hats?
hopefully not of the high-hat kind

mutt's law

Is systemd shilling unironically a sign of sub 80 iq?

different user here, why do you despise systemd?

>not hating it for no reason is shilling
yup. confirmed sub 80iq neanderthal

I've literally never seen anyone shilling systemd.

confirmed sub 60 iq tranny

Honestly, I don't get the appeal of blackarch for pentesting.
Educate me if you have the time, but I don't get why they have so many situation-specific tools when it kinda just seems like needless bloat.
BTW, my current outlook on cybersecurity is that things have become so customized that you need to be able to write your exploits on the fly at any needed level, at least when the security in question isn't a total joke.

2 words 2 numbers

>responding to the bait and not the user who asked why you hate systemd
Confirmed 40 ig swine man

What the hell is SystemD?

>can't spell iq
Confirmed 20 iq insect

System Dick

>still seething
confirmed -inf iq

This thread is unbelievably bad.

do you idiots even remember when systemd was starting to get popular and the original and only complaint?
>does more than 1 thing
>10 years later
>just werks

no, because there was no Looke Fucksmith XYZ and other ecelebs to brainwash me into believing in
>le systemd bad

I don't really care. I just prefer runit.
