Are all modern tv shows woke?

Are all modern tv shows woke?

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women and liberals and too stupid to realize that they are being exploited by companies

none are

mostly american and british

this is akin to cultural appropriation or "white washing", correct? i wonder why no one will day anything about it. hmmmmmm.


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I notice that recently all the tv shows,movies, cartoon shows and comics are becoming woke.

Is he supposed to be Zeus?
Cause ummm, historically speaking, there were no black Greeks back in the day, so there's no way that anyone thought the most important god of this culture was black...

What show is this?

because you are watching anglo tv shows,movies, cartoon shows and comics

da lod of th' rangs

Who do you know who is valerian?

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that character was so out of place and so stupid. put that fucker back where he came from please.

No you bigot. The blacks in the lord of the Rings also happened to be separated from another group of the same race who evolved different skin pigmentation and then went to live with that group thousands of years later. It's called SCIENCE

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>noooooo you can't just hire black actors!!!
Right wingers are a bunch of piss pants babies. No wonder they voted for trump.

What are you idiots going to do about it?

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they were not described as black in the books and grrm didn't intend them to be. if they had black skin he would have said so.


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gas the libtards

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>muh teevee
get a hobby

Yes and if you don't like it don't watch it faggot

>"do something about it"

God I hope they are. I don't watch them myself, I tried getting through the first season of GoT but I just couldn't do it. Still, I hope they woke-cook every fucking show forever from now on. Just to provoke people who don't like it. Nothing feels better than people who think they have a right to entertainment not getting what they want.


dude hes the only black character so far and his role is minor. far from woke. woke is making the whole cast black

racist mansplainer

this shit is getting out of hand
no matter how tolerant someone is , when you get black characters , gay or whatever in movies/series that have no reason to be there , like the new vikings , house of the dragon or whatever , it becomes infuriating and will backfire big time

stunning and brave

And yet he doesn't care. Hmm couldn't be because he isn't a racist retard?


Hmm maybe it has something to do with making millions of dollars and not being involved in this shit sandwich of a show?

I love commercials nowadays where it's always dopey crackers acting all goofy and then super smart and serious coloreds showing the honkys how to do things correctly

dis be da house of uh the muhfuggin dragon lawd

Aside from people not wanting to watch it, what do think is gonna happen? I doubt ant normies are going to riot in the streets because hollyfart put a nigger in the Star Wars or a faggot in their Indiana Jones reboot or whatever. It's not that important.

i care an awful lot about the things i like you want some thugs to rape your mother? i don't

you don't know that he doesn't care. you only know that he hasn't made a public statement. i wonder why that would be? regardless, they aren't black in the literature, so why is it so important to specifcally pick actors one their skin color to you?


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I'm just going to stop giving them money, it's easy

im only one of those niggers cucky, cry some more about samefags