What do you think about hate technology?

>Why should the Tor project knowingly let people access hate sites? Why do browser makers like Mozilla not put Kiwifarms and other hate sites on their "safe browsing" denylists when these sites are obviously unsafe for marginalized people?

>We're all in this together. We can stop hate only through coordinated action. Technology that enables access to hate is hate technology. Why should we tolerate hate technology any more than hate itself?

>We as principal technologists must call on software makers around the world to adopt an "ethical source" approach to their products and build protections against hate into every layer of the stack. Bigotry is odious, and the price of freedom, as it's said, is eternal vigilance.


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No thoughts, it's like lidocaine for my brain.

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what he is wrong about is that there was no hate before internet;

I didn't like both of these approaches so I just exited society

Yeah well you might not like it but free speech is a good thing. You think after thousands of years in development through the insidiousness of society the bill of rights had that wrong?

CP and drugs are a-okay, you can't make fun of trannies though!

I just want to laugh at retards online.

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Anyone that ever says "precept" is a fixing faggot

>unsafe for marginalized people
You see, the word ”safe” in this context means safety from undefined behavior and not safety against flawef logic or incorrect data. The content of the webpage doesn’t really matter for this discussion; if you browse using Firefox, you can be sure that the experience is safe due to it being implemented in Rust. This is why marginalized people are especially fond of Rust; it provides them a safe environment to work in.

> when its clearly unsafe for marginalized people
You can just not visit kiwifarms. Why do these faggots alway demand that external issues change to their will, rather than changing their own habits or lifestyle.

Τbh there are plenty (dare I say overwhelming majority) of voices condemning Cloudflare's

120 maneuvering so it might get kiwifarms but very much adhoc implementation of a tried and TRUE harassment campaign (looking at you anti-gg trying to make it about womz).
Essentially you're asking me how long til people who create their own content/host their own services have to face a social credit score built by twitter cancelers.
Never fortunately, the tech is open source.

Anonimity fixes most of this. Decentralization fixes the rest.

I don't know why I'm replying to this bait.

>free software project should ban x, y & z because i don't like it
Stallman already won this war for freedom.

You can't enforce anything like this.
Free software practically *has* to give you the technical means to bypass anything some idiot doesn't want you to do.
It's a key requirement of the GPL.
Any free software worth a fuck will be license compatible with the GPL, or it has to exist outside the existing free software ecosystem. There's such a large established software base that is GPL licensed that you have no choice but to follow Stallman's rules.

And if some projects collectively decide that they will relicense and ban mean things? Unless they made everyone assign them copyright, they can't do it. If they can manage that hurdle they're just casting their software into irrelevance, because no QT without paying up, no GPL libs, etc.

Say what you will about rms, but he did see this bullshit coming and stopped it a mile away.

there was more of it. fatties who insult each other online today, would have been killing each other before internet

oh look, a zoomer who doesn't understand how the internet works, how uncommon

>and other hate sites on their "safe browsing" denylists
>safe browsing
you mean google safe browsing?
it's a list of malware domains maintained by google that is enabled by default but any privacy conscious person has that shit disabled because it's made by google

Now they need definition of "hate" that everybody on this planet agree with.

Has already fixed, non-issue if you're not a cuck to the upcummies like kiwifarms or reddit.

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not cool
not cool

Any Forums is a part of society, user

>no response
i think he ghosted you

>We as principal technologists
kill yourself, you conceited fuck