How have you set up your Windows Subsystem for Linux? How do you like it? Recommendations and other thoughts?

How have you set up your Windows Subsystem for Linux? How do you like it? Recommendations and other thoughts?

Attached: wsl.png (1326x842, 132.52K)

you still have to deal with retarded windows UI

>he thinks linux ui is good

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (780x438, 35.42K)

>as opposed to linux ui
dios mio

no one uses linux for the gui

Windows Managers are not your basedboy distory
I do

yeah they are the peak of onions

They s'oyboys should go back to Re'ddit

There are some really good looking UIs out there like on Poop_OS!

Sir, Linux is a kernel
It has no ui

don't care about the look they don't have thumbnails in the file picker, tray icons, push to talk or dual monitor support at different refresh rates
it's like going back 20 years

>linux ui
every fucking time these normies stumble on their oxymoron bs.

>thumbnails in file picker
Yeah that's a Gnome thing, weird that they don't have that
>Tray icons
But it has those? At least I have icons there, like Nextcloud and Telegram
>Push to talk
>Dual monitor at different refresh rate
Are you talking about having to pick between those because push to talk is on X11 and dual monitor different refresh rate on Wayland

10 years ago i would've agreed with you. not so much these days...

Can you install Arch via WSL or are you stuck with the most used pajeet distro?

Linux Subsystem for Windows when?

What is wrong with Debian

I though arch users should more or less know what linux is and how it works...


When I press backspace too many times it makes an annoying noise
