The biggest witch hunt in US History

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>My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country.
maybe for white people lmao

he's such a cry baby faggot

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The fuck is a "major motion?"

This is Better Call Saul grade bullshit.

Is that ok? To just do whatever you want because of skin color?

This is language specifically designed to incite violent retaliation in his name. The reality is nobody's rights were violated, a judge he appointed reviewed and sigh a warrant due to reasonable suspicion of a crime, but he wants you to believe you have somehow been "violated" as well. He needs your anger to help him. Be a good little henchman and do it.

>own a forum
>have a containment board for politics
>ban people from containment board, but don't ban them from the whole website
>they spread around and shit onto all other boards
this is the new absolute state of Any Forums

Look at this retards obfuscation, Judge is Epstein’s lawyer, and Hayes didn’t sign off, Garland did. So go fuck off into your cave daggo wap.

>he's unhappy unless EVERY single thread on Any Forums is a porn thread

Politically-motivated prosecutions against political rivals are the hallmark of a bannana republic. Every single time this has happened it's ended badly. I hope the emotional satisfaction leftists get from sticking it to the bad orange man is worth losing your Republic over.

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You stupid ass Trumpfags, don’t you see? Trump is being used as BAIT for you. They want you to riot. They want you to rebel. They want you to take up arms.

Because then they can EXTERMINATE you. You’ll have outed yourself as a dangerous terrorist, who don’t have ANY fucking rights. Trump is the red cape of a matador, and they want you to go charging right at him.

detected the guy obsessed with politics (or the shill who wants to annoy people everywhere)
also yes, i'd rather see tits and vaginas than annoying political rants.

The text of the 4th amendment:
>"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things..."

So ....yeah.....a warrant was issued, supported by a sworn oath and describing the place to be searched.

I'm not sure the 4th amendment is Trump's friend right now. Maybe he should stick with the 5th.

Even in the best case scenario at most a few dozen MAGA boomers are going to literally "rebel." There is no grand leftist scheme to dismantle the right: it's a purely self-serving political prosecution of a defeated rival. You're giving them way too much credit.

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>I'll accuse him of doing the extreme opposite of what he's saying.

this is a random board. In theory, to come here you have to be okay with seeing threads that cover many different topics

I hope so. Slaughter all Democrats and RINO's.

>"Witch hunt"
>"weaponization of the state"

Everyone with TDS is going to be dead in the next few years.

i am, but seriously, there's nothing random about those topics, they are as generic as it gets. i don't understand why we need thread #199439993535 about trump. i mean it has all been discussed to death several million times now. do people still repeat the same discussions?

If at most a few dozen rebel then it’s still working as intended. Those few will be strung up as further proof of how violent and incompatible Trumpfags are with living within the law. Calling it self serving is correct because it serves the republic for criminals to be prosecuted. The fact that Trumpfags simply cannot abide by legal processes when it goes against them is just more ammunition.

When the election results were called into question, people marched on the capital, were let in, and it was the “greatest attack on democracy”.

What do you think will happen when trump wins in 2024? Do you see them just throwing their hands up and saying, “ok you guys won, gg”?

Also what do you think happens if trump appears to lose in 2024?

I fear civil war either way. Get ready boys n girls. Clean your guns and count your ammo.


why did trump appoint epstien's lawyer as a judge?

No one will be strung up, some MAGA boomers will chimp out, Trump supporters in general will lose faith in democracy even more than they already have, and the Republic will slide further into banana territory. But hey, anything to get back at the mean orange man for offending homosexual children on social media.

See this is what I’m talking about here .
Here you have Trumpfags letting it be known that they are dangerous violent criminals. By having Trump be prosecuted in a by the book court case, you can contrast the violence inherent in a Trumpfag against the courts and the law. Nobody feels any sympathy for someone who uses violence to manipulate a court case. When the FBI declares being a Trumpfag makes you a domestic terrorist, everyone who isn’t a Trumpfag will agree.

from the vaxx? Will you admit you are wrong in a few years when they aren't? Or just move the goalposts again?

>Nobody feels any sympathy for someone who uses violence to manipulate a court case.
Unless it's niggers intimidating juries into doing their bidding for BLM, that's totally okay.

>When the FBI declares being a Trumpfag makes you a domestic terrorist
I mean that would be great, that would be peak accelerationism, basically have the federal government declare war on the GOP. I don't think they're that stupid.

>lose faith in democracy
By design, so their inevitable rebellion will be used as an excuse for their extermination.

Not a witch hunt when the party is guilty. Trump is a traitor and a criminal, he should be convicted and executed

The declaration will come after the Trumpfags declare war on the state. Which make no mistake is what is going to happen first.

I don't think anyone is gonna get "exterminated" lol - childish effeminate hyperbole. But you may succeed in irreparably fracturing the Republic and ironically giving the Confederacy a second wind.

Man I’m not so convinced. I think they actually might just do it because the ones in charge have ramped this monster up to the point where it’s nigh uncontrollable. They clearly do not think about the ramifications of their actions. It’s base nihilism at best. I’m prepared for the worst.

No one is going to declare war on the state except some small splinter groups of extremists. Most GOP voters will sit at home and watch TV just like you.

The idea that the US federal government is just going to declare war on 30% of the population seems pretty far-fetched to me.

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just because trump forces people to admit that not all outcome differences are due to racism but that they are actually also due to DNA, does not mean he should be executed.

>said the Jew in 1936

The crime? Offending faggots. The sentence? Death.
