So why shouldn't we run ubuntu again? seems to be just fine to me

so why shouldn't we run ubuntu again? seems to be just fine to me

Attached: Ubuntu-logo-2022.svg.png (2560x902, 57.08K)

it's not contrarian enough anymore

i've never understood why anyone uses it. straight and gay white men use debian and cut out the retard billionaire middleman with his custom debian distros with added cancer.

snaps and a shitty GNOME modifications (just give me vanilla)

This time it's because Canonical insists on shoving snaps everywhere despite performance issues and flatpack being the superior standard.

> breaking news: arch shits the bed.. again.
how many times has this happened since it's existed? you'd need 64-bit counter to keep track. still wouldn't stop people from using arch.

it happened on other distros too, not only Arch

you understand you can install DEs right?

why would anyone use linux with this garbage by default
use windows or at least use a white man distribution without gnome/wayland

I'm too much of a brainlet to do it, that's why I want a just works ditro out of the box, as most ubuntu tier users do probably

>too much of a brainlet to enter a command wait for the text to stop scrolling and then swap DEs on login
ok just go back to windows

I'm absolutely sure it's not that simple and that it would break shit, stop lying freetard

Bruh, it's literally the same as installing any other package, except you have to log out to switch between DEs.

Because Linux Mint exists, I guess

ya until you need to reinstall to upgrade OS version

There's ideological concerns about the serverside component of snapd and now that they're stripping packages out of apt like firefox you can no longer remove snapd/apport and be on effectively a faster releasing Debian.
Use Mint.

>There's ideological concerns about the serverside component of snapd

Proprietary serverside code, genuinely because it's an extremely fast moving CI/CD project as opposed to trying to corner the market, however proprietary code is proprietary.
The arguments against former is that all client side stuff is opensource and a serverside application could be written with a softfork of snapd, as it's just a container runtime for ubuntu.
I've still migrated away from Ubuntu due to firefox.

I really don't like snaps, if they only worked then I wouldn't have a problem with it.

>you understand you can install DEs right?
Yes, but that's a fucking nightmare.
I rather it be cleanly done and the only way is reinstalling but with another flavor.

Upgraded 18.04 lts server to 20.04 -> 22.04 lts
It was sturdy and just werked
Even if it took a while and had to fix some stuff later

>ideological concerns
Who gives a shit.
People have found a way to use another backend on snaps.

which other distros?
openSUSE tumbleweed is a cutting-edge rolling release and it didn't have that issue
neither did Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu

are great
>and a shitty GNOME modifications
Gnome is unusable before Canonical's actually competent UX developers fix it

How do they not work?

Adds crap in lsblk.
Startup times and speed of the packages.