Imagine a perfect world

Imagine a perfect world

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Unironically the whites and the jews are responsible for polluting the Earth, this will never happen until they change there ways

>ok with risk
>a woman
Guaranteed OP hasn't willingly read a book since high school, taken any risks in life except for shitposting on Twitter, hasn't done a genuine day of work on a farm at any point in time, or seen a woman's vagina in over 3 years.

>no emf waves
>niggers and jews
post original, the artist definitely supports israel and the rights of niggers

bold of you to assume OP is old enough to post on Any Forums

this lmao, fucking tradlarpers are embarrassing and would give up half way through their first day working in a field

100% vaxxed niggers.

imagining's for fags

John Lennon's ghost would like a word.

Muslims should be in there too, but I'm too lazy to fix it.

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it would probably be 'please dont shoot me point blank in the face'

and of course the artist is anti-nazi and pro-russia

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Try, harder, chang.

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ghosts are for fags too

>china and india
>being a fucking retard

he also chimped out on trudeau for doing blackface because that's racist!!!

so are you in favor of murder and rapine or not? because it seems like you're trying to excuse a bunch of evil which is... evil itself
I guess I'm expecting too much of your retards to know what you actually think yourself

where in the post did I say I was in favor of murder and rapine dumb jew, the artist is anti-nazi anti-racist pro-muslim goatfucker communists, that's my point

So, basically Amish, but arbitrary technology cut-off point at 1970?

Not to be a dick about it but the tractor kinda cancels out the clear skies. And if the flesh rotted off those skeletons, the watermelon would be long gone too. This Bob guy is clearly not too bright, he should leave the Ben Garrisoning to Ben Garrison

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