This is america

>this is america

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Lauren Boebert is literally retarded. She should have stayed a prostitute and left governing to actual grown ups.

>Lauren Boebert is literally retarded.
not the slightest glimmer in your brain cells that she's DEAD FUCKING RIGHT & we have no business with interventionist wars. This is why you have to go.

What legislation has she brought to the table?

>What legislation has she brought to the table?

HR. 6941. Pay Attention to the Mass Fucking Sellout of America Under Biden

One piece? what a heavy hitter. Kek

She's not wrong, but she's not doing anything to change it either.

I hate all democrat shills. Sadly it's working. Some guy earlier today argued with me it's not democrats but neo nazis and Russians. The latter 2 are impoverished vs the democrats who have multiple companies valued at trillions USD. Ask yourself. If anyone could pay shills and farm bots to astroturf here. Who would it be. Literally Kill Your Self if you think it's Russians and neo nazis.

Congress dot gov says that was sponsored by a Democrat in Guam, are you confused?

You're saying we shouldn't intervene on behalf of our allies when they're invaded?

>Congress dot gov says that was sponsored by a Democrat in Guam, are you confused?
no, but you are more representative than you know.

>You're saying we shouldn't intervene on behalf of our allies when they're invaded?
I'm saying if you're going to post bait, have a 6yo do it for you better.

Typical Dem, blaming everybody else when it's their fault, such chidlike behavior.

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We sure aren't defending Taiwan, buddy lmao

Has Taiwan been invaded?

not when they break treatys against russia numbnutz. they made there jew bed now there gonna lie in it. FREE FREE PALESTINE!!!

I'm so confused lol, are Republicans crying about American Samoa wanting a non voting delegate? Wtf is happening in this retarded thread

It goes towards killing Russians, money well spent.

What treaty - specifically - are you talking about??

reminder that money sent to ukraine is literally a slush fund for the pedo island cult before they sell out the country by purposely failing militarily

When _exactly_ do you think they'll do this? Right now it seems like they're spending it all on weapons and equipment to fight one of the worlds' biggest armies, so I'm just curious, at what point _exactly_ do you think this will happen?

Jesus republicans are just so low IQ and low information, it's my fucking fault for walking into this retard den to talk about Ukraine