Best. President. Ever

Best. President. Ever.

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LBJ’s dick was bigger.

Biggest liar ever!!

best PHCDDFMT ever

There will never be a better hung POTUS than LBJ. Man was a goddam tripod

Seems like they got to trip us up
With even just the word ‘Transgender,'
Sure, you can say ‘non-binary’ is a gender
(kind of ironic but ok)
Yeah my i’m transitioning my gender to non-binary,
But that doesn’t mean my Sex is female.
The great debate. Sex and gender.
Where’s the line?
Some of us hate the word transexual
But i've got to say that i’m changing my mother**** sex as well
I got given a divine gift from the ecclesistical heavens
Or maybe it was the goddess, Mother Nature,
But it was given to the wrong person
And i am going to give it to someone who wants it one day
And i torn those fat sagging lumps off my months ago
And yeah i’ve got to pee sitting down
And i love feeling my girlfriend’s fingers move inside me
So where does that leave us?
Two options, always two options
Like a bad maths equation that never works out.
As a poet, language is meant to be my power,
But even the form of a sentence around my pronouns
Makes damn sure that I know they don’t want us to exist.

What is it with Trump simps and Time magazine? Why not People or Ebony or Better Homes and Gardens?

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its trumps own fetish

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top kek

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the fact that he "signed it" just ruins it and makes it sad

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It’s more than that. Like it’s the minimalist style of a Time cover. Makes them think this will be easy to fake. But they’ve never seen a real issue, so they fuck it up in ridiculous ways.

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Trump was the first president that actually cared about the people and didn't have ulterior motives. He was the first person to run for president that was a complete outsider. Both sides hated him for this. Imagine running for president and having every single word you've ever said or everything you've ever done be used against you in an attempt to smear your name. Imagine being called every horrible name under the sun. A racist, a liar, a crook, a pedophile, a misogynist, a traitor. Imagine going through all of that, having all of that stacked against you, and not only winning the election and becoming the president, but going on to be one of the best and most productive presidents in history. Beloved by the people. Now imagine having an election literally stolen from you through "mail in voting", and even after you concede and accept "defeat" both sides are still coming at you looking for anything and everything to get you locked up, even though the only thing you're guilty of is hurting feelings. Imagine going through all of this and still having the balls to run for president in 2024. That's the man I am voting for people. Hate me for it, I don't give a shit. America needs someone like Trump. I refuse to vote for a party that promotes degeneracy at every turn.

>inb4 "good one vlad"
>inb4 "wow trumperz really are dumb"
>inb4 "you spelled this wrong idiot!!"


biden literally shot 15 pregnant women dead in public... the media is silent... which is worse?

Another stupid trump sucking shithead.
It is REALLY sad that you assholes still support this fucking LOSER.
How many of his minions have been convicted of federal crimes? More than any other elected asshole.
He is a crook, fat, stupid, a huge LIAR and a moron.
Just like you.

>Trump was the first president that actually cared about the people and didn't have ulterior motives

lol didn't even have to get past the first sentence before I knew you were a deranged troll

Fuck, does he look gay. The type that would approach a little boy at a urinal and ask if he could watch.

The mentally ill should be banned from the internet.

>lol didn't even have to get past the first sentence
lmao usually after the first WORD I block them and refuse to talk to them they support literally Hitler what do they want just kys themselves ami rite

More liberal persecution. Social media would collapse if all the liberals posting these lies were banned like Trump was. Hypocrisy.

user, you are doing great work and making my Daddy so proud. I personally spoke to him this morning and he said as a reward he will match any donation above $100 that you make in the next hour. Please help us Stop the Steal and Keep America Great. Don’t disappoint Daddy, user. I know we can count on you.

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I agree. Gays and trannies shouldn't be allowed to use the internet. Neither should people who encourage their behavior instead of getting them help.

Based. Trump literally invested billions of dollars to invent the covid vax to save millions of Americans. He has saved more Americans than were killed in WW2. What thanks does he get? Persecution. He should honestly win the noble peace prize or whatever. In 50 years time when people look at his presidency impartially he'll be mentioned with the same reverence as Louis Pasteur.

What a fucking moron.
trump told over 30,000 documented LIES while in office and you accuse libs of lying?
YOU are terminally STUPID.

Lock up Clinton.
Lock up Trump.
Place Biden in a retirement home with nurses.
Scrutinize the congress.
Half will join Biden the other half will join Trump and Clinton.
Start fresh, start clean. Let each new politician and bureaucrat that they will be under constant surveillance by a random group of civilians that will change every week similar to that of jury duty to prevent corruption.
The new politicians will have no choice but to serve the country and not themselves.
No more crybabies like Trump who's biggest asset is his loud mouth. No more senile coots like Biden and no more corrupt and Epstein friendly bastards like Clintons.

That is the ONLY way you will EVER make America great again.

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>Source: trust me bro

no U said over 9999 lies
... and still call me a liar, nice ...

Still wrong asshole.
White trash shitheads like you should not be allowed out of your basements, should not be allowed to vote and should Never be allowed on the net.

A fucking Moron!
Insulted Generals at Pentagon when he could not understand NATO!
A Fucking Moron!

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Because you don't like people speaking the truth? Because we don't want to pretend that you're a woman? Because we argue with facts instead of calling names? That's what liberals do. They censor people who speak the truth.

Desperation fantasy cling™

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Lying again.
Typical republicunt asshole, I never said that you fucking moron.
All lies all the time just like ALL republicunts.