Let me guess, you need more?

Let me guess, you need more?

Attached: ubuntu-logo14.png (540x243, 10.25K)

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It's bloated. I need less.

its actually quite bloated

For me, it's Ubuntu LTS with Snaps and dark mode enabled.

Attached: Me.png (800x700, 16.78K)

what's a good alternative for someone getting into linux who has only used ubuntu so far?

I need less.

I would switch to debian then check out Arch Linux, maybe Endevour if you want aur by default (the qtile edition)

i'll look into it. what does debian do that makes it superior to ubuntu in your eyes?

>you WILL test our new enterprise software
>you WILL look at amazon ads
>you WILL let us use 15GB of space
>you WILL use snaps
>you will NOT have freedom
>you will NOT have a functioning app store
>you will NOT use a better alternative

and you WILL like it!

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 205.65K)

i couldnt know.
i only used kali when not ubuntu
a liiiiittle bit of debian
otherwise its basically all linux
some variable names and commands change
idk, people say "arch" to get to know linux better

No, I just need it actually finished and usable.
I have a dream.
One day.
I will buy a laptop, with preinstalled linux.
And I will boot it, and close the lid.
And it will suspend.
And I will open the lid and send few keystrokes.
And it will actually wake up.
And all its periphery will work and not be a piece of shit.

not op but it's much more stable
doesn't try and force canonical's shit on you (e.g. snaps)
must more customisable
much less bloated

generally better for learning

> I made a lot of grammmer issuss sryy
Ubuntu is based on debian, they both share the same package manager (but have diffrent repos)
basiclly: Ubuntu = Debian + user friendly stuff and commercial canoncial stuff
you can think of debian as a debloated version of ubuntu escpeccialy debian unstable (sid)


thanks bros i'll probably do it today
what version to get? just the latest LTS?

Check out Pop!_OS.


Attached: 1012px-Pop_OS-Logo-nobg.svg.png (1012x700, 49.83K)

>Install Ubuntu
>Launch default web browser
>Fractional scaling causes Firefox to look like blurry shit
>Scrolling in Firefox with the touchpad feels godawful. There's some kind of delay on it, and when it does move, everything scrolls way too fast.
>There's no setting to adjust scrolling speed

Welp, back to Windows 10. Maybe in another decade this hobbyist OS will be suitable for normal people to use.

For me, it's Arch Linux with KDE

Attached: file.png (920x500, 54.49K)


Just install Chrome like everyone else in the real world.

Same boat, man. To this day I have this same fucking problem no matter which laptop I use that if it suspends often the sounds just completely breaks upon re-opening the laptop. At least that's one of the only inconveniences I have these days. Still use Looniks full time though and will never use anything else despite all its flaws


Attached: adwaita-l.jpg (4096x2160, 1.27M)