Damn... what do you think it felt like to be there?

Damn... what do you think it felt like to be there?

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nowhere to pee

Checked, trips of truth

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Like the world was finally taking a step in the right direction.

Like a part of something greater than yourself

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gay as fuck faggot

Grossly unsettling, most likely, watching your civilized nation descend into a genocidal mass-psychosis.

cope seethe and dilate tranny

Like a big Nazi party, duh.

>nowhere to pee
It’s Germany. You can pee on anyone.

It's true. I saw it in a video once.

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For a lot of people absolutely awesome. Like something spectacular and powerful and you're a part of it. Then for a minority of people it probably felt more like "if I wasn't here they'd probably shoot me".

Say the nazi shitbag

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lul they had no idea what was coming. Assfucked by the Allies and Soviets, their tweaker leader offing himself in a bunker with his wife and dog, the city crumbling around them.

Cockroaches, they all ran or died under the boot of justice

Nazis never change. Stupid, worthless fuckers, who's sole contribution to the well-being of Earth is dying.

damn you got any more pics if her or know who she is

Nowdays we just call them democrats.

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It took the combination of all the great powers of the world too stop them. Even then the chances of a allied victory hanged on a knifes edge.
In the end it was hitler who ruined their chances by forceing a push east during a russian winter. Or attacking Russia at all while he still had to fight westward.

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Yeah! Richard Spencer and those damn alt-right leftists!

Now the war is over, time to persecute ourselves, right Breznev?

Great vibes

Kinda looks like porn star Monroe. She did a bunch of solo shit, got her tits done and got married.

Anne Frank, BROKE the LAW, no papers,no VAC card, deserved to be in a quarantine camp and the people who housed her, despicable. Always obey and trust your government and dont you dare challenge how they got in power or youll be in the camps too. Denier.

you dont know who monroe is?

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Nazis started out as a a libertarian movement and was supported by libertarians. Nothing specifically makes nazis far right other than what liberals of today have assigned as being far right, while also being what liberals are guilty of.
But anyways, Nazis wanted to change the status quo (a liberal ideal)
Nazis Where against big banks, monopolies, and large private company's ( a liberal ideal)
And they supported better pay and more workers rights ( a liberal ideal).
Face it. Nazis where far left, and once theybhad absolute power they shit on everyone. same with what liberals will turn into if people don't stop their cult bs.

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