Post movies that you love that aren't necessarily considered great by the mainstream

Post movies that you love that aren't necessarily considered great by the mainstream

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Those are the most heinous pieces of mainstream carnage ever.

The ratings are pretty shit but I like them

thats the point of the thread dipshit

The point sounds like post shit that isn't mainstream... Or is, and people like OP don't go dogshit for them.

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I will defend the brilliance of this movie until the day I drop dead.

Impeccable taste.

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This fucking chick flick is my guilty pleasure. maybe it is highly esteemed by women and faggots but dude, I like it. Gretchen is cute as fuck and her catchphrase of things being so fetch and her awkward behavior around Regina is fucking cute.

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That's not a chick flick, it's a girl themed comedy.

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Wait, I had no idea there was a third Crow movie.

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It is very girly though, Gretchen man. Gretchen, I watch it just for Gretchen but also for the entertainment

Does he get some fine ass chocolate pussy in that movie?

>9k reviews
>considered great
it's number 4 with edward furlong. literally nobody talks about it.

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It's really highschoolly but also smart. I mean it is pink as fuck but it is girl themed. It's definitely not a chick flick.

>can't recognize dystopian horror

I dont get the difference. What makes a movie a chick flick? What are chick flicks? I thought mean girls was a chick flick. what in the hell?

Ok, nerd

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Do all three of those sluts get naked except for cute dirty ankle socks and have a hot lezzie 3 way fuck sesh involving lots of pussy licking and golden showers? No? Then I'm not interested.

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Chick flicks are really bad and about romance, they are normally called romantic comedies. Mean Girls is more like a comedy.

I love this fuckin movie and I'll fight anyone who shit talks it.

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>it's number 4
Excuse me?
>Edward Furlong

so twilight and the notebook are chick flicks whereas mean girls and clueless are just movies that are still movies nonetheless, but have a very female centric plot and theme?

They do, actually. It's a rather important plot point and some say it's the only reason it swept the Oscars in 2002.

Never understood why this wasn’t more popular

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My fav part.

This could have only been made in the early to mid 2000s.
the first time I saw this, the donkey scene had me horrified, I was so shocked but then it crept in how absurd and ridiculous it was, this movie is genius

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That movie's great. I honestly think had it been released in the mid 90s rather that late 90s, it would be hailed as a cult classic.