2024 get ready Bidentrannies

2024 get ready Bidentrannies

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Imagine being 60 years old sitting in a basement because you're too ashamed to bring your flags out.

Nobody flies their authentic gear. They clearly have some collectibles


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Yeah, a bunch of collectors and LARPers. Aryan people dont need hero worship, and coveted artifacts. They need action. Rustling spook jimmies, and collecting flags like pokemon cards is fuckin gay.

Implying we're going to make it through November...

The world is coming to an end! I heard it on the news.

The dems are in for an absolute drubbing in the midterms. They will create another social upheaval with their media and they will try to rig it. If that fails, they will say the other side rigged it... I don't see that not being the flash point either way.

Beloved GEOTUS will save us!

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That's quickly changing.

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McConnell is a neocon, which is no different from a dem.

>McConnell is a neocon, which is no different from a dem.
I didn't realize this was a schizo thread. 'Scuse me while I find my own way out.

Realizing neocons are "liberals", is the first step to understanding how deep the corruption goes.

Ooh, I'm ready for the Trumpcucks to rope themselves.

Not checking, and proving his point at once. Can't wait for summer flags like this to find their way back to Facebook