How do you live with the fact that when you date a girl nowadays it's not just you and her in the relationship...

How do you live with the fact that when you date a girl nowadays it's not just you and her in the relationship, she still has all the past bonds and memory of her ex's that you will forever be compared to?

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that's why i only go for 12 year old virgins.

Imagine this but you yourself never dated before.

It's always been like that.

Besides, I've had past relationships as well, so who cares? We're even.
That's why you don't lose your virginity to the one you love.

The problem isn't ex boyfriends. The problem is all the male contacts in her phone that she talks to, and all the males that follow her on social media etc.
Cuck shit.

>It's always been like that.
No it hasn't, retard. A few generations ago you had one bf/gf and then married them.

My girlfriend and I had a conversation about this yesterday. She happens to be very attractive, and not overweight. She kept wondering why me, as an attractive guy who is in shape, was dating these fat older women. I came from a state where there was nothing but fat and old women. All the young women have no interest in me. I told her that I had no self-esteem. Or that I just could not get any better. And she's just baffled by that.

But I told her, in all honesty, that a fat woman is less likely to cheat on you. Because you have less competition. Every time I've dated a hot girl, they're always has been competition. She's always being looked at and flirted with and contacted on social media and checked out.

I've heard that fatties rack up a higher body count because of their low standards

Yeah, but they rarely cheat if you keep them fed and fucked.

I had conversations with my girl (now ex) before about contacts on her phone. She had like 20 other male numbers. She said they were old number and she doesn't talk to them hardly anymore, but refused to delete the numbers. These whores like to have a back up dude(s), they love the attention and all that as well. Sure as shit I break up with her over it, and within no less then a week she's dating another dude. Probably one of those contacts on her phone.

Any Forumsros if your girl is all over social media getting attention from other dudes, getting likes and follows, numbers in her phones etc. you are or will be cucked. That is not someone you want to date.

>Besides, I've had past relationships as well, so who cares? We're even.
It's not the same thing for a man. Women are receptive and mold to the man. The more you dump loads in them the more they absorb your DNA. This doesn't happen to men. Women have been found to have the DNA from all their previous partners in their brain and spine upon autopsy.


Hard to swallow, huh?

no way

Funniest thing I've read today.

samefag cuckold

Just fine because I'm not an autistic insecure cuck-obsessed faggot.

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Jokes on you, my girlfriend has religious trauma, I was the first one in that hoohah

Only faggot brained socially awkward incels believe this and it's why you'll die alone. Dating women is fucking easy here's the tip: don't be fucking weird. That's it, stop being a fucking basement dwelling faggot and be a normal fucking person you waste of air.

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Lmao what a fucking loser

This shit is nothing new, what the fuck?
Women will always date around more than men, if you actually give a shit about this you're retarded and have probably never had a girlfriend. You have to learn to accept that women are always going to have more experience than you in almost every social category. Your job as a man is to literally never give a shit. Live for yourself, dont base your happiness on what women do.

Enjoy that climbing divorce rate you cuck.
You do anything if it were normal, huh.

why do you keep replying to the same post? you know we can see the amount of IPs in the thread have not changed, right?

Fuck, are you retarded.

>modern dating
being an undateable virgin has its perks


>You do anything if it were normal,huh

Lmao what the fuck does that even mean? Seethe a little more aspie while the rest of us live our lives and you're stuck in the basement jerking your deck cheese to someone you'll never have the balls to talk to. Faggot.

Any retard can inspect element, idiot.
Wrong. This only happens in our culture. Even then it was different, see

That was my first reply are you fucking stupid?

>buzzword buzzword
>omg youre WeIrD!!
18-19 year old gen z retard detected

>posted on a Saturday afternoon on Any Forums
sure showing us

Project your IQ
It means you're a cuckold and you know it. That's why I've triggered such a response from you.

Why the fuck would anyone want to marry the first person they dated? Fuck me I'd have already killed myself if I had to marry my middle school girlfriend.

>just cover your eyes and ears
thats sad, normalniggers really live like this?

Are you a nigger or just retarded? Ask your grandparents, look at your family tree, do anything that doesn't make you look like a retard for once.

Because some of us actually want to be in committed, healthy relationships, you fucking idiot.

Cope and seethe

yeah thats what youre doing

Yeah that shit happens in movies. You really think women in the 50s didnt fuck every hot guy they could before finding one to settle down with? Are you really that fucking naive?

>thinking you can't date around before

Die alone nigger

>Cope and seethe
You're larping on an anonymous board and expect us to think you aren't a cuckold loser?

>Any retard can inspect element, idiot.
I don't even know what that means. Take your meds. Dubs checked.

and the answer is by stop being a bitch

You literally have never touched a woman and you somehow manage to delude yourself into thinking that you're living a more justified existence than normalniggers who accept this fact and get laid.


>Die alone
yeh thats what you have to look forward to after the divorce and alimony for kids that arent yours

Ironic. Because what you described only happens in the movies. A sizeable amount of the population did and still marries the first person they fuck. It's only some fags like you that are okay with taking turns with a callused thot.

You really are the stupidest person I have ever interacted with in my life.

>stop being a bitch and let other guys fuck your woman
Another coping cuckold

>its the right way cause jew media says so
>its common so its ideal

How many times have you said that? Is rehashing the same response the only thing you can do? You're a one-trick pony.

gross, I have had gross sex before but never a fatty past a certain point. If a fat woman doesnt have good hygiene then her ass and vag stink and I dont want to deal with that.