What is the best food for long programming sessions?

what is the best food for long programming sessions?

Attached: food.jpg (1200x900, 194.33K)

Fruit and skyr or greek yogurt or whatever it's called.


lel you beat me to it
its extremely bad for health tho
better be careful with that



Attached: 1662140219968001.webm (720x480, 1.89M)

chinkoids were a mistake
that bugwoman is repulsive on so many levels

I recommend honey.

has much vitamin c and keeps you full for a long time

What's she eating there?

Japanese pussy juice

>What's it eating there?


do americans really not know what stomachs look like?

She's cannibalizing her insect spawn on the orders of her hive.

Chips and pizza.

what first world country even eats tripe? i had it once and it was horrid

the one you happen to have in the fridge. it. doesn't. fucking. matter.

I don't think long programming sessions benefit from particular type of food, beyond generally eating healthy.
Balanced diet with reasonable ratios of carbs, vegetable and meat is my go to.

you don't matter reddit bitch


>imagine eating during coding

Imperial Japan's violence against China was completely justified.