How does Any Forums like their eggs?

How does Any Forums like their eggs?

Attached: Eggs_800x1697_F-1-1.jpg (1667x3143, 835.23K)

medium to hard boiled for 3 and a half minutes

Fried with the yellow broken

Soft boiled or fried

Why not just do scrambled then

up my ass

Lobbed at a house. My favourite.

Flat and completely fried, i cannot have goopy eggs or i will vomit.

Scrambled or soft boiled.

Goes better with bacon, beans and toast

fat ass

Pickled like my dick

I'm not fat mate

Better way to soft boil eggs:
>bring 2-3 inches of water in saucepan to rapid boil
>fill a bowl with cold water & set aside
>drop in egg(s)
>boil egg(s) for exactly 6m 30s
>remove egg(s) with slotted spoon
>drop egg(s) into cold water bowl and let sit for 2m

Hard boiled or pickled.

over-easy, sunny side up or scrambled

A bit more than over-easy, scrambled, or not quite hatd boiled

Con chorizo

Hard fried and cooked both sides, or scrambled with milk added

over easy so you can soak it up with some toast

i like my eggs licked in the morning.


soft boiled with salt

>Fried egg
Low tier. Hard to fuck up so it's good if you're at a road diner.
Mid tier. Most people don't know how to do it properly.
High tier. Easy to fuck up
>Soft boiled
Mid tier. Simple, elegant, but uninspired.
>Hard boiled
Low tier. The reason so many children grow up thinking eggs are shit. Only useful if you're grinding it up and mixing it into something else.

>How does Any Forums like their eggs?
in a cake with lots of frosting on top

hard boiled for every day use, fried double side on fleischkäse