Any vets wanna help Any Forumsrother

Just cant sleep, I'm really tired but I cant sleep.

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i always fall asleep after cumming, try that

Go make a coffee and play a video game or watch something. Your awake might aswell do something

Tried that hours ago
Im stuck in a hotel right now on travel orders. Nothing but a laptop and my phone. Im not trying to be dramatic but the quiet is getting to me.

Can you hit the gym/ run on the treadmill? I sleep way better having exercised

Attached: Run.png (214x236, 3.8K)

I just want to talk to someone. I dont need mental help but Ive been traveling alone for
month and a half now. When Im not training I have nothing to really distract myself with.

Same bro. It’s the middle of the night and I’ve been up for the past 3 hours. I feel like I’m always on alert. I can feel body shaking inside. It’s hard to slow it down enough to sleep

I actually pulled the image for the post from a
youtuber who goes by history feels. He puts
war feels music over sounds of war and its
really comforting to hear. That helps with a quiet room. But tonight Ive done everything to
try to soothe myself to sleep. And now Im on Any Forums

Well I'm just a civ lad, I can imagine going from training to too much downtime is a miserable thing.

How do you like serving uncle sam? (I'd assume)

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Its great I love my job, its everything I personally wanted and it takes care of me and my family even through everything thats happened over the past few years Ive been lucky that Im in a postition that I cant really be laid off. I'm just away from home and I have 2 more weeks before I can go home again.

>fuck this new captcha btw

Die already, child killer.

Well hey, that's good to hear user. At least you only have two weeks left. I can't relate but I'm glad to see a sense of gratitude..Hope you can get some real sleep soon. May be worth looking up sleep hygiene (limiting stimulants after X:00, etc)

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I love you to bro
I just appreciate having someone or anyone to talk to
This guy gets it

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Vet vein medically retired in the next 12 months. Had my retention board hearing this week and it was overwhelmingly in my favor. I’m reserves now.

I don’t sleep either. 2mg of Lunesta gives me at best 4 hours. I travel a lot for my civilian job. Hotel staff are also lonely. Early morning hours, it’s not a bad thing to just go down and chat with whomever is at the desk before 0530/0600. They’re bored and have nothing to do. Sometimes they are weirdos. Sometimes good people that couldn’t find daylight hour work.

Or try a waffle house/diner. Good places to check out for interaction.

Best of luck brother. I’ll hang around for a bit.

Thank you for your service, user.

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Oooo edgy

Nobody likes hearing that

I do...

Play a clicker game or watch Bob Ross paint something. Always brings in the Zs.

Do you drink coffee? If you do, cut that shit out. You just get diet sleep with it.

As a foreigner in your country I wanted to say thanks so I picked up the tab for some old vets in a restaurant and they insisted I come over and shake their hand, they were very grateful and said they appreciated me saying so (I explained US servicemen had been very good to my grandfather during Korea). I think civilians struggle to know how to relate to military folks and saying TYFYS may seem cliche & cringe to you but to regular people it's a way to appreciate the sacrifice.