Still the greatest character ever made, fucking cope

still the greatest character ever made, fucking cope

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>star wars
Are you 12?

4 > 6 > 5

Ewok haters are just afraid to feel sad when that one got killed

In 1983, yes

as a kid I preferred 6
as a teen, 4
as an "adult", 5

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What's so great about 5? 6 has it all. As I recall 5 is just 2 hours of Han and Leia bickering but it's been awhile.

>4 > 6 > 5
wtf is this?

The best star wars is star wars. Next best is empire. Ewoks and rocks was pretty crap and the whole plot was a rehash of star wars. The jar jar binks shit was just terrible and the kylo ren stuff just felt like the first 3... again... and again.

This comment

jar jar doesnt even come close to how bad rey skywalker was, god those sequel movies fucking suck

What's wrong with rocks? As I recall they just killed storm Troopers with rocks

It's a slow burn for sure, but the way it splits up the group, letting them do their own thing, then tying it all up in the end is a pretty great way to handle a middle movie.
It also has the best fight scene in all of SW. I'll probably be called a faggot, but all the emotions and what it represents are just pure kino in that final fight.
It also has the least shitty dialogue in just about all of the movies.
Also, best Yoda.

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is that Dylan Roof?


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would've been nice had the sequel trilogy been written and directed by lucas himself.

imagine calling yourself a screenwriter and not being able to write one single scene with luke, leia and han all in the same scene...

no love interest but managed to kiss his sister

No you are mistaken.
George concocted Jar Jar Binx and now he's our president.

He's literally me.

Wearing thick nostalgia glasses, are you? There are much more fleshed out characters in other movies. Star Wars was a fun movie, and a decent one, but not the best shit ever, thats just your nostalgia tricking you.

Are you sure about that?

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Skywalker was the one media hero i actually looked up to. i know its gay as hell but i idolized a poor farm kid who just wanted to make a difference

ffs - jar jar was a two-prong character: one, as a relatable character for kids (since the last star wars movie was 16 years prior to phantom) and, two, to be an useful idiot for palpatine's plot.

had ppl not shit all over the character, you would have seen that more in the 2nd and 3rd movies but the character was scaled back after the whining and sniveling.

id take jar jar over the dreck that sequel trilogy eventually became.

i know

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Ewoks are atmospheric sci-fi at its pinnacle.