I'm so fucking sick of Any Forums and Any Forums...

I'm so fucking sick of Any Forums and Any Forums. What are some good alternative sites like Any Forums but not as buttfuck as Any Forums?

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bump you niggers


I'd also like to know maybe try r9k to start? I know there's 420chan but its probably shitty over there anyway

Kiwifarms maybe

>I hate /b
>makes a stupid ass post to say it
If you just made good threads then the site would be better, clown

Did you just wake up from a coma? Internet isn't free anymore. Everything is regulated and reigned in. Password-protected sites and confirm who the fuck you are checks all over. You can bypass all that shit, but not at cost lower than whatever kek you hoped to get out of it. Your closest alternative is booting up the onion network and trying to find some unlisted chan but chances are pretty good that all you'll find it porn and people trying to con you into buying (or selling) bitcoins. The fun internet era is over user. You're looking at what's left.

Something Awful is the site that largely inspired Any Forums (other than 2ch obviously)

allchans dot org/
Take your pick fag

neck self
>alternative sites like Any Forums
you sound like a grindr guy

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I have a trove of Tor links and there's some decent chans/forums

sometimes i use fren chan, i know the owners of it, theyre pretty chill

Saw they got DDoS'd and their twitter suspended recently. Seemed random. Glowies?

they allow vpns and tor to be used, so even if it was a honeypot, it would be a pretty bad one. ive known the guys who own that site for over a year and a half by now, they're not feds

No I believe you that they 100% don't glow, meant about the DDoSing. Why are they being targeted?.

no it wouldnt bc there d still be trannies, loli, furry and other garbage

Thats always been there. use your filters

Good posts don’t get the traction they deserve. Just like on social media, it’s dumb shallow content that get’s the likes. People wouldn’t recognize art even if it hit them in the face at 400km/h.

probably because of all the racist, homophobic, and anti semitic stuff they post. its crazy, even i dont support it, im only there cause i know the guy who owns it

>I'm so fucking sick of Any Forums and Any Forums.

Then GTFO. Go to reddit or twatter, or facebook, or anywhere but here.

No one is holding a gun to your head making you come to Any Forums or anywhere else on Any Forums.

Do like BeenADick Donald and start your own forum.

Anything. Just quit your whining, pissing, and moaning.

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wizchan seems like your best bet

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