ITT retro games you still play to this day

ITT retro games you still play to this day.

>pic related
>the co-op Demon Soul's of it's era

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Same here! Let's play together online!
Nigthmare Creatures II is other one.

Just recently sad down and played through this bad boy. Still my favorite version of Q2

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It's probably on Steam or Discord or whatever you tranny zoomer faggots use these days to lol GAYEM xD !!!

I play several games of Age of Empires 2 every month

I fucking love it so much bros

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your creatures are unable to get to a treasury

music on this is so good. played when i was like 6 or 7.

also, earthbound is still fucking amazing. recently did an emulated playthrough on my dreamcast, probably beat it 6 or 7 times now.

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It's pay day!

I recently saw a couple YouTube videos about this and redownload it. Fun times

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age of mythology is great also

Even more relevant today

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damn I remember my older brother had a Sega Channel subscription and I found this game on there one time. What a flashback.

still play THUG on emulator

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Does Gameboy advance games technically count as retro now at this point? (and yeah I know it’s sonic and I don’t play them constantly all the time I just play them sometimes to relive old childhood memories)

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i remember hooking up sonic advance chao garden with my gamecube sa2, good times

I love this game.
Great OST. I listen to it when i gym. Helps me gains.

Whenever im felling depressed i pop this in and it literally takes me back to a simpler time.

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Are you me?