How can I stop believing in God?

How can I stop believing in God?

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what is preventing you from changing your beliefs?

the same way you dont believe the fairy tails about the other 4000+ gods people are telling today.

I was raised Christian and I'm basically realizing I'm brainwashed.
This not a LARP.
I'm 100% serious. How can I stop believing this bullshit. I try but it's so fucking hard.

Why not? He stopped believing in you.

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Which one? The made up Jewish one that Jews made up so they could trick people into worshipping Jews? Christians worship a dead Jew, and the Arabic Quran is like a poetic version of a Jewish book that already existed in Hebrew.
If you believe in that god, you were tricked by Jews. Not that other people haven't done the same thing, but they've been much less successful.

look for evidence against your god's existence and/or try to debunk evidence for your god's existence. Once all evidence for your god's existence is invalidated. Reassess your beliefs.

God is fucking retarded. If that shit was real, why would he allow this site to exist? If he was real (and he's not) he's a fuckin dick you shouldn't worship anyway. Bitch tried to drown a whole planet & threats apocalypses regular. God's a fuckin faggot

God is real…. Just accept this…

You must ignore all the people that tell you it's real. Just because millions of people said the events of the bible actually happened, doesn't mean it did. Without a shred of proof, religion loses all it's credibility. Most believers use religion as a cope that gives reason behind the depressing truth of reality. Others use it to siphon money from their devout followers each week tax free. You get the idea.

Idk how to do that because I'm a ducking retard.
I was given a religious education and was told about Noah's Ark and all that shit.
Yes it's that bad.

I don't want to anymore user. I feel like I'm escaping a cult help.

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I think the easiest thing you can do is to just say you don't believe anymore. I did that a few years back, and it worked.


oh that's easy, just kill god

Walk into a children’s cancer wing at any hospital. Case closed.

Alright I'll keep saying it to myself

Grow up and become an adult

The first step is doubt. Doubt leads to questioning. Questioning leads to the truth. Feed the Sneed and you will find Chuck.

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You can't. You can obscure that belief to monstrous extremities, but there is no force in all of existence powerful enough to destroy the truth.

Losing a kid made me stop believing in God. You could try that.

consider the chances that some sunstruck desert jews were actually correct in how they believed the world worked over 2000 years ago.
next consider how many religions exist, even subsects of christianity, which all believe their understanding is correct; why should you choose to put blind faith toward christianity in particular? There are plenty of other religions which could theoretically be correct, or perhaps none of them.
Would an all powerful benevolent entity leave so much ambiguity when the cost of getting it wrong is eternal punishment?
>oh alah, I loyally believe you with all my heart, please spare my immortal soul
>sorry, you chose the wrong minecraft skin, you're supposed to wear a collar not a turban. Into the pit with you.