Help me expand my knowledge on the matter

I've seen a lot of things on the internet regarding transvestites and I've read some horror stories, but I don't think I have a proper grasp on why I don't really like the trans community. I started thinking about this after the whole Bridget reveal fiasco in Guilty Gear. I know transvestites tend to force their ideals on others and cry wolf if they don't follow suit and I've heard stories of grooming and even indoctrination and outside pressure for people to become a transvestite, but I don't really have a strong foundation in my knowledge.

I'd really appreciate it if some people can chime in with examples beyond what I stated so I can have a clearer understanding of what makes the transvestite community so largely negative. I'm asking this here because I want well-detailed answers besides "they just are ok" and I know asking something like this on any other site would have me banned in a heartbeat and its off-topic for other boards. Thank you for your time.

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Mental illness

I will tell you something,the reason why the guy's death been affecting me that much lately is due the realization that it happened a long long time ago,considering my age,so most of what I am and have experienced so far,are from times already past his fate. I really really wish I could bring him back somehow,over 20 years ago but only recently been that moved about the fact. Dude's gone and there's nothing else to be done. Great deal of sorrow upon me over this,specially within this last week,been reading about the guy's work,all sorts of characters and roles,good times,from a not that distance but still quite far away past. Very very sad thinking about whay if.... an alternative reality you know? Sad to be in a world in which such a great person is gone,gone that long ago....

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>regarding transvestites

Well, for a start, it would probably help you to know what a transvestite is, and given you're using that term with at Transgender flag, I'm guessing you're probably getting a bit muddled there.

"Transvestite" is not the same as Transgender.

Someone who wears the other gender's clothes is a transvestite. in many cases among men wearing women's clothes that's for kink, but just as often its because they want to with no sexual element. Technically, any woman wearing a pair of guy's jeans with deeper pockets is a transvestite. It just means wearing the opposite gender's clothes. And nowadays, women wearing men's clothes is not a big deal, while men wearing womens' is notable.
Most transvestites identify as their birth gender, and live thier lives as that gender, dont change names, dont expect to be addressed as "she" etc.

It should be noted that performance of an exaggerated style of fashion, Drag, is usually Transvestism, where it includes performance names, which are not used in daily life. And generally, most drag performers are not Transgender. (though a lot are gay)


Transgender is someone who changes their lifestyle and identity to that of the opposite gender, not for a kink, but because they do not identify as the gender they were assigned when born. In some cases, that "do not identify" is an extreme discomfort in their own bodies, in others, a discomfort in society. Their lifestyle is (when not being hounded by others) normally that they aim to live their life as their gender of choice without it being on display for people - and that involves changing of name (so, as an example, a transman called Alexandra at birth might change their name to Alexander, and aim to be called "he".) - and that will usually include wearing the clothing of that chosen gender.
As they are are aiming to live their life as whichever gender they are becoming, and wear that gender's clothing, they are not considered transvestites.

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shitty b8 m8

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And then there is me I'm not a woman I'm not a man I'm just a human bean.

Ahh, ok. See, I always defaulted to transvestite since people would always say tranny or trans when describing this group and that is short for transvestite.

user didn't do anything wrong though?

What bait? I just want more information on the negatives of the trans community. I'm asking on here because this isn't really a question thats on topic for any other board. If I tried asking this on Any Forums, I would never get an actual answer.

I’m trans and I don’t like the trans community, or the lgbt.
Too much “be like us, or else”

Tranny and trans are short for transgender.
Transvestite is "so 30 years ago". You almost never hear about transvestites anymore, which is kinda interesting in itself.

But as to why they are so negative.
Short answer: "mental illness".
Slightly longer answer which means the same thing: The very fact that they are trans means they are very unhappy with a fundamental fact about their life, and this baseline unhappiness spills over into everything else in their life. I think what makes it worse is that there is sort of a promise of "take these pills, take this surgical solution and your problem will be fixed" but the pills and surgery don't work and trans people are stuck in the awkward position of KNOWING it doesn't work and wanting to pretend it does work because it would make them feel better if it worked.

It really is sort of a cascading mental illness.
Actually there's a good comparison with "yellow fever". You have some unattractive loser American nerd and he can't get any female attention so he concludes that the problem is white women. He imagines Asian women would definitely go for them so he develops "yellow fever". It's the solution to all his problems, in his mind. It's not, of course, but he imagines it is. Now imagine he actually spends all his money to move to Singapore or Japan or whatever and finds out he's still a loser, only now he's a broke loser.

It's not as bad as trans because he can still go back to where he was. Trans people who take the plunge can never go back. Their lives are now even worse. Their only hope is to continue the illusion and be very very angry at any attempt to end the illusion (which, sadly, just draws more victims in).
The whole thing is a fucking tragedy, really. Or a comedy. Or both.

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Even if you did write it as bait, I have no objection in writing a summary - because there will be people out there who conflate the two and get confused accidentally even if you had done so deliberately.

I will also note: I ( ) am a straight male, I've occasionally done drag for Rocky Horror, which in my books hardly counts (Yes, I've dressed as Frank N Furter. I've also dressed up as Eddie.), but I'm neither transvestite or transgender.

However, I do know a lot of trans people - starting with a friend I've known for nearly 25 years since I was at university who was born intersex (XXY chromosome), Identifies and looks very female, and is a trans rights advocate, then there's an ex of mine who I always remained friends with became a transman a few years later*, Another ex who I still am very close friends with's child (not my child) transitioned in his late teens. I know three or four transwomen with varying degrees of familarity ranging from "say hello in the pub" to "known for a decade" to "have been good friends on and off for years, and often geek about similar interests".

So, I might well be wrong on the finer details, but can give you a fairly unbiased summary beyond the bias of "I know these people and how they live their lives"

And I am honestly happy to give an unbiased view of those trans people I know, even if the intention of the post was to troll, or to be bait.

* yes, my ex later transitioned. This is, it's got to be said, a bit of a mindfuck. Does explain why they were so keen on strapons, though...Do I refer to him as him, back then? in which case, have I slept with a guy?
Its generally considered bad form to deliberately reference someone who's transitioned and changed their name by their previous name and gender - "deadnaming" as its called is really shitty behaviour. But its really difficult to work out when you say "yeah, I went out with her to a club an- Shit, I went out with HIM to a club..." when remembering.

That's an interesting perspective. Had a convo with a friend who described that trans people tend to be stuck feeling like they're in the wrong body, sometimes from birth, based on the short interactions he's had with them. Based on what you said, is that where the large amount of peer pressure comes from to convince people to transition? When the whole Bridget reveal shit was going down, I learned about this weird shit that goes on with trans people, where they describe people as "eggs", or people who haven't realized the need to transition or some shit.

>my ex transitioned
lol gayboy

Bringing up intersex (XXY) is actually a great point. Like a lot of left wing batshit crazy stuff, transgender started out as a very real issue for a very real problem, easily identified at the genetic level. Intersex is a genuine problem that impacts a very very tiny amount of the population, and those people were right to want some understanding for their condition.

But it got coopted by a bunch of shitheads with minor depression who thought that "if I change genders all my problems will be fixed" and jumped on the intersex bandwagon even thought they did not really have that problem.

We see similar things with "we should accept people's differences". You know, someone gets burned in a fire and their face is a mess. Yes, please do try to accept people like that. They got fucked up by life and there's nothing they can do about it and we should treat them with kindness. But then lazy fat assholes jump on that bandwagon and now every self-made freak and obese shitwagon thinks we should accept them for who they as they act as a drain on society for entirely preventable reasons.

I have all the sympathy for real transgender people who were born with a real problem and I wish we could help them better.
But all the fucking mental cases who eclipsed them are causing problems. For themselves and everyone else.

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Nobody wants your help and they were born just fine the way God made them faggots like you are the reason everyone gets monkey pox take your vaccine and die already faggot.

Now, the whole set of questions. be aware, as I hinted, I'm in my 40's, a lot of my perceptions are not going to be in line with the teen/20-something generation's views

There is no hiding the fact that being trans is an abnormality - it is a dysphoria. Ever looked in a mirror and felt "fuck, I'm too fat/thin/spotty/short/tall, I hate myself"? well imagine if every time you looked in the mirror you felt that times 1000, thought "I'm not this person. I don't want these tits/dick/stubble", or if every month you bled it felt like it was something twisting you inside that you didn't want. Every time you went out with a group of people, you were thinking "I not like these guys", or the likes. Well, that's what being trans is, at its root. Its the feeling that you are in the wrong body, and yes, that fucks them up in the head, often for years before they get listened to.

And most transpeople have a "I'm not a guy/girl" feeling even as kids.
My ex's son, I knew when they were, to everyone's perception over the years a child to young teenager, a blonde girl with long hair who wore pink all the time. And what he said, when we were chatting in the bar a few years back was "I used to think if I wore all the girly pink, and had the long hair, and played with the dolls, then somehow, I'd become like the other girls. But it felt like I was pretending to be it, every single day". They were about 16 and they went "this isnt me", and being able to live their life in a way they were comfortable with, changed their mental health completely, from wanting to stop existing, to being able to live a life they wanted.

So, when you talk about "grooming" and all that shit, the reality is many transpeople are talking of their own experience growing up, trapped in that horrible place of not fitting in, and knowing others are there, trying to find their own expression, and how those who say "I'm not a boy/girl" when kids should be listened to, for their mental health.

Hey user, care to share your opinions on my initial question? You seem to be heated about the issue, so I figure you have a lot of real examples on the negatives of the trans community.

>I have all the sympathy for real transgender people who were born with a real problem

From what I know, The VAST majority of intersex people (which is an oxymoron) as they arent exactly common) would likely roll their eyes at you handwringing at their "problem"

they problems they have is the extra chromosomes and the likes causes health issues. my old friend is a post-doctorate who's got a string of publications a mile long and consults with my country's government on trans rights, and with national TV and film on representation (mainly to avoid the horrible stereotypes of "mad tranny axe-murderer" etc.) She's also incredibly frail, almost housebound, uses a wheelchair nowadays, needs a helper to do stuff like open jars because she has no muscle strength at all.
What's between her legs (and frankly, I dont know, because its never been any of my business) is not the "real problem" for her, by a country mile.

What their gender is a "real problem" for others, not them.

In those cases where intersex are often described as "female" at birth, and grow up to be masculine in every way, but their birth certificate, the problem isnt their genitals, its the difficulty of being able to change their certificates to match their body, rather than your daft ideas that its like someone with facial scarring...

Yeah, but do you not think there are extreme people that will just essentially just force a person to think that being trans is the right thing, without any regards to their feelings or the physical trauma they'll have to go through, which is part of the definition of grooming, minus the sexual aspect?

Attention whores.
So disgusting they have to fight to pass laws so people won't hate them.
Also child groomers.

now, the other bit OP said:
>even indoctrination and outside pressure for people to become trans

One of the major things that really needs to be addressed is that certainly over the last decade, trans people have become a talking point, particularly in US conservative circles, and are being vilified at a frankly absurd level.
Hell, last week, a girls' sport event, the parents of the 2nd place finisher started accusing a the winner - a pre-teen girl - of being trans, and demanding that they have genital inspections to "prove" that they were trans, all because the poor girl wasn't "pretty enough". In other cases, a woman started a group to "prove" that all sorts of celebrities were secretly trans, by "examining" photographs... and then people posted her pics, accusing HER of being trans too. It is a mass hysteria. People have been getting whipped into a frenzy about trans people to such an extent, that shit like that is happening.

So, when you say "indoctrination and outside pressure for people to become trans", Some of this needs to be filtered through the fact that much of this sort of news is being created by those people in the centre of that hysteria.

99.9% of trans people are not pressuring anyone and everyone to become trans. Sure, there's some really fucked-up crazies, but saying they all are? that's like saying that "every single person" who supports the Philadelphia Eagles is a car-flipping rioter.
What a lot of trans people will say is that they would encourage those who identify with the dysphoria I talked about to look at the _idea_ of transition - Despite the stuff that the people getting whipped in to a frenzy claim, the reality is that the vast majority of trans people do not end up in heart-wrenching regret and wanting to kill themselves after they "discover its wrong" and all that bullshit, but instead, find their mental health vastly improved by being comfortable with their lives.


So, yes, they're going to encourage the idea of transition. Because its what worked for them.
That's no different to people who decided that going to church every day helped them encouraging - or "indoctrinating" others to go to church.
People recommend what worked for them - whatever that is, and for trans people, what worked for them was transition. What takes a lot more self-awareness that most people don't have, is the ability to recognise that what worked for them, may not always be the answer for others.

Any honest assessment of trans people needs to recognise both that the subject has been hijacked by a huge number of people with a virulent bias against trans people, who will use any action to portray a negative image, AND it needs to recognise that the trans people who are encouraging are doing so because they know from personal experience the difference it made to their lives.
As someone on the outside, the trans people are both right, and wrong. They are right - transition helps. they are also wrong - transition is not the only way to help - they are short of self-awareness.

in my country, transition requires huge amounts of clinical aid, including counselling, and psych profiling, and often years before any medical transition is even brought to the table. I honestly do not know how different it is in the US, but I doubt its done without a lot of hoops to jump.

and those hoops, in my country, do filter out a lot of people who are unstable, who are depressed, who are dysmorphic for other reasons than being transgender. And those people do not end up transitioning. but those who do, benefit from having been listened to, and having been validated in their early stages of self-identity.

and its that which I believe most trans people are talking about, which is them being warped by those opposed to trans people's very existence, who are portraying this as "indoctrination" and "outside pressure", when really, there isn't such a thing.