What are you doing today?

What are you doing today?

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Cleaning ma Keyboard?

clean your room you filthy drug addict

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This picture is evidence that you are a loser you know that right?

Reading some Chickn/Junko/Whatever "she" calls herself drama

Waiting for my amazon orders, wishing I was 21 to get some beer and relax. Also am unemployed but giving it some time to get a job. Need to get my shit together

absolutely nothing,as usual

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too fucking sad and messed up in the head to do anything. I feel like it's impossible to feel hope or happiness tomorrow. I haven't slept right all fucking year and my current job needs me up super early in the morning I fucking hate life right now man. I wish God would kill me already I really do. I wish someone would ram their car headfirst into mine in traffick. Just this fucking fatigue I can't do anything but I can't fucking sleep either. Why even be alive

>inb4 just get high dude
I can't. I'm pretty sure that getting high is why I can't fucking sleep at night anymore plus being high isn't fucking fun with your life is in shambles. I know it'll make me feel better but then what? Won't actually fix shit. I need to make like 4k in the next 20 days or else I really need to kill myself.
>inb4 that's not a lot of money
it is for me I don't get paid jack fucking shit at my shitty fucking job

Or you could just end it yourself you know.

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quit your job, get on the pension.

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Truly? I am pet sitting for my lesbian friend, drinking all the beer she paid me with, watching RiffTrax episodes on Tubi, and being sad that my husband and I split while simultaneously wanting to get dicked down because it's been months since I got fucked in the ass. I have a friend who's down in a heartbeat, so I could. But I feel guilty because on paper I'm still married to my husband even though I know that's a retarded sentiment since he's most likely been fucked so many times since we split since the reasons e split is because he was whoring around.

>It's hard being a gay dude with traditionalist beliefs regarding sex, while also wanting to be fucked like a slut.
>I've been taking it out on myself by not falling and by starving myself

Oh look, seems like it's time for another beer.

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yeah, i know. Don't have a gun, dont have a good place to hang

>dont have a place to hang
lol, that sucks

ew, gross, a faggot. kill yourself gaylord

Gonna hit the gym for 2 to 3 hours and subtly hit on my gym crush briefly. Then go home eat and produce some music I've been stuck on for months haha

Nah I like life and it pisses of faggots in denial. You can borrow something from me to neck yourself with if you want though, I'm an empathetic type

well there are lots of bridges near me but you know public suicide...
>someone could catch me doing it and try to stop me
>my dead body will be on display to everyone
>i might be trying to kick off some stranger in my last moments
>could fail and get seriously injured in public
fuck all that. I've got some lye I was thinking about maybe chugging that but fuuuuuck that would take FOREVER. I need a fcking shotgun haha, stupid fucking psychiatric checks

What exaclty pisses off faggots in denial? classic, anyone who finds your gayness gross or disgusting must be a conservitard closeted republican. its like watching old people or gorillas fuck, I go "gross", look away and move on with my life. faggot. kill yourself. homosexuality is wrong.

The existence of happy gay dudes really pisses off faggots in denial. I don't know why, the same reason I don't understand why retards think eating chalk is the best way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon.

>happy gay dudes
homosexuality is wrong

Prove it.

youre lefty but you don't approve of gays? weird, hey heads up, your people are going to eat you alive if you keep talking like one of us righties


Straights get aids too, try again.

OP here, on 300mg luvox, 4mg brexpiprazole, nicotine vape and fortified wine. gonna go to the liquor store when it opens in 30 minutes and get a 2l cask of fortified wine. $12 for 28 std drinks.

I hiked around five miles in 890 heat with 80% humidity. Stopped on the way home at a gas station and got a 12 pack, then stopped at a bar and got a shot of 1800 silver and a six pack of higher end beer. Now I'm sitting on the porch drinking said beer.

Does that album fucking SLAP or what?

definitely one of their best!
I like lion eyes, go to war, ruin my life, city of the dead and trap god

Fuck your mom again

What you think?

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masturbate to hentai