People actually enjoy this shit?

people actually enjoy this shit?

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You just hate it because you resent women because you're ugly and probably got rejected a lot.


Insecure tranny take

I'm speaking about the CGI you fucking retared, I think the actress is pretty hot

I mean its pretty bad dude and I'm really happily married

I'm straight libertarian

I don't enjoy super hero movies at all. I think they are all pretty dumb just in general.

There are no straight librarians

you are straight fucking gay

From what I understand, no. People for the most part are not enjoying it.


Look at you go little libertarian, Gosh darn tootin hes got his first actual opinion about something WATCH OUT GUYS hes got an OPINION ABOUT STUFF

Fuck you kid.

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How to piss off insecure white males.


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By being libertarian?

more like an inscure little bitch that gets mad when people criticize something they like so they use a much bigger issues in our society to support their shitty argument

Insecure about what? That your "hot take" Is just some shit you heard someone else say and you thought to yourself "ree im gonna say that to da men now, ree" What a fucking collapsible lawn chair of a person.

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me too but I kinda of enjoyed the boys, marvel is just trying to make money and not quality

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I don't think you know what libertarian actually is. You're thinking of liberal, but it doesn't surprise me you're so retarded. Probably some fat redneck

I feel that, i had a few pals tell me its worth watching but... ya know, the meh

fuck you faggot. You’ll be first for the noose once trump is president again

It’s great when people call others names that imply limited intelligence and/or ability and then spell things incorrectly :)

Found the liberal

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Oh yeah? Your political party gonna come for the farmers first huh? gonna get your squad of tacti-kool fatties in mollie packs and come kick down my barn doors and hang me infront of my goats?

k, dats real 4 sur

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M.SHE.U. Get woke, go broke.

Trump will destroy degenerate faggots like you.

can you faggots take your politics out of here