Why is it legit easier for me to get bitches when I’m in girly goth mode but get zero when I’m in guy mode?

Why is it legit easier for me to get bitches when I’m in girly goth mode but get zero when I’m in guy mode?

Pic related

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"girly goth mode" kek. You mean in drag

whose the ugly dude u posted, jesus fuckin christ

your momma nigga

And yet I still get bitches like this nigga so answer the question

Ontinder or in reality?
Tell us your experience

the bitches he gets are other (((girls))) that happen to have a woman's penis

A friend of mine ... I don't know.. I want to say he's a colossal faggot, but the fact is he dresses up like this and does get a lot of pussy. I think the thing is that even if only a small portion of women are into it, there's a much smaller portion of men actually doing it.

In reality, I don’t use Tinder.

So when I’m in guy mode (pic related) I get literally zero coochie, despite having quite a few female friends, so it isn’t an attitude thing. In goth girl mode, women will literally stop me on the street to talk to me, which for me feels bizarre because it has never happened in guy mode, ever.

Like at a metal gig recently, I was in my goth girl stuff and was playing tongue tennis with and got the number of a good few cis girls, despite NEVER being able to get with a woman at a gig in the 6 years previous that I had been going to them

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Never thought about it that way

Nope, cis women with vaginas. Enbys with vaginas too, if that counts

its like the gay bff but not
what you're not seeing is the amount of shit your friend has to listen to about problems with other guys, and these girls don't consider your mate a potential long term partner

Ironically, I used to tolerate listening to my female friends bitch about their BFs before I started doing the goth girl thing, now I listen politely for a short while and then change the subject if they start ranting (I have cut women off purely because they were using me as a trauma dump)

On the subject of long term partners, a previous 2 year gf (now ex) had tried to talk me into cross dressing long before I actually started doing it.

Thanks for the guy pic.
Makes now more sense

As a goth trap you are unique.
You are an experience.
You are something nobody of their friends will posssible be also to experience.

As a guy

Your a guy...

Dude I don't even want to think about the type of skanks they are. You can't tell me any of them are 8-10's.

I wish nothing more then to unsee your faggot ass picture. Plz kys you faggot.

That’s actually an interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought of that before

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And i didnt thought of that too before.
But it makes sense in a way.

They are out to have a fun night and can choose between the experience with a guy, which they know...
Can be good but can be a little bit boring.

But with you, it will be an experience, something they havent done before.

And to be honest, i would choose the second option too...
Would i choose the normal girl, like the last times.
Or do i choose the tattooed girl..
If i had the possibility...
You know what i mean :)

I would choose you too over a girl....
¡Ecause it will be interesting, for both xD

Pretty good looking actually. I never go for uggos or fatties just for the hell of it. Mostly alt/emo/rocker type girls who go for me

Variety and exoticness is always sexy

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Whoa, never expected to see you self post here

I very rarely post. Mainly lurking YLYL and rekt threads

In case you fags didn't realise, women actually don't like men and only see them as a resource.