Does the left think women exist?

Recently watched the Matt Walsh "What is a woman" documentary and since no one on the left can answer that question.. does that mean that women don't exist to them?

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>What is a woman?
A parasite

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Wow Matt Walsh. Such a brave hard hitting documentation to go after this topic so that literal insecure retards will throw money at him. Brave.

>Matt Walsh is a former blogger who has embraced the label "theocratic fascist."
no thanks. u may keep ur propagandas


Checked. He's a grifter. Almost all of the well known conservatives are. Turns out you can literally steal money from people if you tap into their bigoted small minded beliefs that they don't want to say out loud until someone else does first.

Wow! such a solid grasp or reality that when faced with such a simple question one is completely unable to answer and attacks the one asking.

seething lol

checked and /threaded

You know we can see how many posters there are in this thread.. we can literally see you samefagging you dumb cunt.

i saw some excerpts on yt and the movie looks retarded af..

the term is just a word, we dont call animals women for reasons
woman is an construct
nobody is born man or woman
just with predispositions for different amounts of hormones etc.
now female and male are science

he was interviewing ultra left tards from what i saw

Look at the seething homosexual. kek
Seethe and cope, faggot.

Woman is a construct.
So it exists or it does not?
If it exists what is it?

ps. literally everything is a construct.

Leftists think women have penises.

Pity the poor zoomer faggots.
Pussified by their moms.
Beaten into intellectual submission since they were little.
Fed vidya games that just left them empty and afraid rather than confident and strong from camping and hunting.
They now cry hard because some of them want to be girls to get that privilege afforded to bitches by a society wracked by feminist ideology.

Such losers.

I think most of them know very well what a woman is and isn't, but they've trapped themselves in a hell of their own making where they can't tell the truth lest they offend the troon squad.

if you look close enough at anything it starts to unravel.
in nature things gender swap (eels, hyeanna, etc.) females are stronger/bigger in some species like whales, elephants, tigers and lions, etc.
but yea in the end its just a word.
female and male are actual genetic traits
woman and man are just constructs
>definition on construct: typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence

Try watching the documentary instead of just running your stupid mouth. Seeing people who are unable or afraid to state simple biological facts (remember Supreme Court justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson stating that she couldn't define what a woman is because she's "not a biologist", a clear admission that the difference between men and women is biological) is equally pathetic and hilarious.

Illogical dimwits trying to play idiotic games of semantics to tap dance around the reality that their ideology is not fact based, but is rooted in delusion, lies, stupidity, and the refusal to accept objective fact.

Yeah, fuck bigots and how easily they're parted with their money. Hey I have an organic non-GMO free range green energy farm I want to run as a POC BAME that will only employ other POC BAME people. You wanna donate? It's okay if not, you'll elect a retard that will start a "charity" that will support me and other idiots will fund me. Glad the left is immune to grifting.

so whats your objective fact then?

Didn't even answer the question, so much for the InTeLLeCtUaL Left lmfao

>u may keep ur propagandas
>literally falls for Jew media propaganda about troons and drugs "not being that bad"

Dumb cunt, he asked a question and so expected an answer. He wasn't asking about the root of the term woman, or even the scientific definition. He was asking for their opinion on what the word meant, yet they couldn't answer because their retarded ideology made it offensive to even state a term.

So people are identifying as words? And not calling them the right word is bad, and will make you call me bad words.

yea.. its word obsessed people on both sides being dumb
language has gray areas

im just guessing you rape children


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can "trans'gender "women" get pregnant? or is that a liddle widdle constructy-wucty too?

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great bait Boris! Keep up the good work.

later this century chances are 1000%

lol ok let's just make a moratorium on any "gender" surgery until then

But not today. So women actually exist. Wow. Ok. That's gonna be unpopular with the "trans"gender crossdressers

people do more than just reproduce though, what are you an amoeba?