Former CIA director says that Republicans are terrorists

Former CIA director says that Republicans are terrorists

Uh, guys? Are we the terrorists now?

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Pot calling the kettle a nigger.

Left winger agrees with left winger in radical left washington.
Who cares, everybody knows they cover up for antifa and other actual violent extremists. The deep state has become part of the activist left violence.
Water is wet

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Considering they stormed the Capitol because their orange God told them to take action I wouldn't distance then too far from Muslims

>trying to smile through the pain
>starts talking about murdered child
>breaks down

You try dealing with that kind of grief

This but x1000

radicalised Islamic fundamentalists

Big fucking difference, Pedo


More left wing lies, they dont have shit on trump.
Please just be a good lefty and keep ignoring bidens corruption and nancy's insider trading thx

>Destabilising your entire nation because you don't like people making their own choices and changes scare you
Yes they are

Friendly reminder that our founding fathers were labeled as violent extremists right before they murder killed to death freedom hating faggots and placed their giant freedom cocks on their oppressors foreheads and ushered in the greatest advances in world tech and culture ever seen.

The founding fathers were fighting against a corrupt monarch, republicans were fighting for one

Thats where you’re wrong. But I guess we can just settle it in the streets.

Good luck!

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Lol Michael fucking Hayden is left wing now? The guy who wire tapped every revolutionary he could, saw the patriot act expanded illegally under his watch, and worked to topple socialist governments in South America? Jesus Christ you guys are pathetic. Everyone thinks you shitbags are a joke. Please stop looking for validation here.

Sounds like a lefty to me.

Shhh, you're spoiling the echo chamber

Does anybody remember the portland riots and all the deranged shit the dims said? Oh right never mind they are a protected class free from the law

We don’t. Young liberals can’t stand them. That doesn’t mean that we auto love the totalitarian party. Politics is not a bianary choice you blinded idiot.

>tries to take your first, second, and fourth amendment while screaming at you that you’re an oppressor and hires dozens of lawyers to block election audits around the country

Mmmmkay sure bud

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So Obama is left wing or not? Cus he didnt end the patriot act or bring peace/stability to the world. Its about filling their pockets thats the point.
Since when has a lefty done anything good for usa or the world? Its not about you stupid, its about control over the dumb masses

>The guy who wire tapped every revolutionary he could, saw the patriot act expanded illegally under his watch, and worked to topple socialist governments in South America?
Yeah that's all left wing

Next question dpwmwj

It's true. One book is basic, the other is advanced.

Next question ksmrnkckKsnrnbfjzkmzndhhsbz4782

Every violent extremist is a founding father
Good logic


They aren't "left" they are neoliberal shitbag capitalists and they deserve nothing but mockery and hate.
I'm a "leftist" and I can tell you that these are the kind of people who should be worried about getting purged.