What career fields will be eliminated in the next twenty years by advances in machine learning?

What career fields will be eliminated in the next twenty years by advances in machine learning?

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Hopefully all the ones that correlate with Biden and BLM signs in the yard.

Hopefully janitors, those are truly overpaid specialists.

coding, only the best code monkeys will survive before it starts writing itself and the only ones left standing are ML chads

All of them

Translators, code monkeys, all kinds of mundane administrative desk jobs, first line therapy practitioners e.g. pharmacists or nurses that identify basic health conditions and prescribe medicines.

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I never thought of translators but yeah that's fuckin gone. The idea of learning a second language even might become niche

Honestly, I'm running away from a corporate job cause I hate people.

I'm hoping to get a job in coding. Now before you all start laughing: I'm hoping that knowing a few languages may help: you can train an ai to do a language, but programming a website and knowing the language

Laugh all you want, I'm placing my bets. Know french, english, dutch, little german, little spanish

Translators (aka interpretors) aren't going anywhere since there is a lot more to language than the literal transcription of words. AI will have to figure out humor and subtext or else it will be about an useful as Google translate

None will be really eliminated. Just that 1 person will be able to produce as much as 9 people who now have nowhere to go, but we can't afford to care for them on the labors of one productive person since they can only sell to productive people.
Eventually we'll just have to acknowledge that most people aren't worth anything anymore and start looking into ways to humanely reduce the population to something economically sustainable.

yep this. AI gives people tools to be less shit at their job but can't replace one single person minimum.

None of them
t. AI lab

Pretty much every killer application of AI is just bringing automation to the dumbest retard tasks (I work on a project about giving people a customizable AI secretary), but even then the AI will have a limit.
It's sort of like how you go to the DMV in person so that you can get a human to jump through the hoops when the online system doesn't work for you.

The other use cases are about bringing expensive or previously impossible shit down to earth for the everyday man. Imagine that you just want concept art to improve your immersion in a tabletop RPG session. Yeah you could pay a professional a couple thousand and a week to get you some real good shit you probably only use once, but most of us only care that it's better than a child's drawing.

>AI will have to figure out humor and subtext
i have bad news for you friend, this is a language model's specialty
and they are only getting better

That's the case for pretty much anything dealing with current ML models. The art it generates requires touching up, the translations it does require a human touch, the face recognition it does has false positives in the order of 90%.

But one day it will start being good enough... and then a huge solar flare will hit the planet and societies that relied on automated systems, AI/ML and computers too much will grind to a halt.

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Literally everything. And then what? Will some form of communism or socialism develop out of necessity and save your ass? nah. Elon Musk will ingest your corpse's nutrients via feeding tube

Embrace your future. This is what you want

Or maybe just pay higher wages for everyone and give people universal basic income. If there's a lot more productivity there's no reason for poverty other than economic irrationality.

Front end dev, and absolutely translation like said.

Everyone thinks AI is going to take over email jobs. Somehow this means every OTHER company will have AIs that send Excel spreadsheets to them (who matter and need to continue having a job). Well AIs don't need to send other AIs email or attachments or anything. Competent organizations would set up autonomous data transfer. They can do that now. And they don't/can't.

Somehow incompetent companies who can't even send each other a flat file to load into a DB, are going to instead jump straight to magical AI. AI is a manifestation of voodoo magic for every dipshit VP in the world. They don't know what it is, but once they get some of it, everything will be solved.

Fortune 500 companies run international supply chains off of people in warehouses and factories typing into Excel sheets. Good luck getting accurate aggregate data for even a week when Bertha is typing God knows what. And somehow this company, overnight, is going to become an "AI" utopia? Motherfucker they take screenshots of pivot tables for C-suite reporting, they're not doing anything of the sort.

AmeriKKKa will be eliminated in the next 20 years.

Yes, the end game is utopic communism, but not the soviet type. Tax the robots and AI outputs and give everyone on Earth a livable income so they can live out their lives with no financial or material pressure. Populations will decline and standards of living will increase worldwide. That's the utopic idea, the reality will be that the same cabals of people who control corporations and financial institutions will continue to control the means of production in the future and keep everyone else a slave while they live as kings and half-gods. There is no escape from these filthy kikes on this god forsaken planet.

Recyclable sorting and garbage sorting.

You may not like it — I don't like it either —, but America is unbeatable, they are the worlds economic system itself. Amerikka being destroyed isn't the future, but other countries catching up to them is.

Yeah, I laugh when unemployed autistic misanthropes pray for AI to replace people just so they can feel better about being completely useless

i really do love being useless