Are you still using a cellphone Any Forums?

Are you still using a cellphone Any Forums?
Tracking your every move is not just for high tier glowies anymore. Now, through the wonders of modern data collection, even Officer Barbrady, can be your big brother.

Attached: officer-barbrady-1320451486.jpg (1800x1302, 213.28K)

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i only use a phone for wasting time at work. if im not going to work i often dont even carry a phone with me unless i think im going to have to sit around and wait for an appointment or something.

I'm posting this from a cell phone

Attached: skvirrel.jpg (736x622, 76.15K)

>cops can track yoooooo
Not my problem, I don't leave my shithole apartment anyways so they can knock on me doors anytime lmao

is this what mutts have come to? what happened to american dream? what happened to suburban house with trad wife and picked fence? what happened to the sovl

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I thought you were white for a second, sorry my bad

spotted a non-euro

you're right, I wonder who would think a coal eater is a humar

I leave my phone home when I do illegal shit.

You don't have a privacy-respecting phone with hardware kill switches?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 13-11-50 Purism– Librem 5.png (1920x951, 702.3K)

>Are you still using a cellphone Any Forums?
i own a cell phone but no sim cards. i do not wish to be tracked all over the city by glowniggers. if i need to make a call, there's these things called "pay phones" that still work in current year.
> that eff post
unsurprising to me. i've known about this shit for years. this is why people need to get root of their devices or at minimum install a firewall that uses android's vpn abilities. (all data is piped through the "vpn" that the firewall controls and prevents all apps, even if you don't have root, from communicating).

I own one and then leave it at home when I go out, I treat it like a landline that can send texts

>and picked fence?
picket, europoor, and have you married your immigrant wife to begin the march towards the grey blob?

but if i get lost, anyone will find me

>and have you married your immigrant wife to begin the march towards the grey blob?
What are you talking about?

This will be our privacy end game Any Forums bros. The next step is transferring to /out/. After all the twitching and rooting and open source bios boot loading, it seems that there will be always something spying on us. Maybe all the devices we own were made with that purpose. Tbh I have become a little tired with trying all the time to not get spied. Fuck technology.

Attached: teddy.jpg (2000x1333, 736.05K)

>i own a cell phone but no sim cards.
if you own a modern smartphone this changes nothing as the device goes around pinging nearby wireless networks even with the wifi toggle off

You will be assimilated into the Wired, and you will like it. Your pleasure center is hooked up to the new global nervous system. We think and move as one, bound with copper neurons. You may wander, but you will always come Home.

You thought the material world held the soul in chains? You thought greed and libido obscured the soul's contemplative vision of God? We are on levels of Shadow you cannot imagine. This world is becoming less real by the day. If you want out, you must embrace the Divine Madness, you must be like the drunk, the manic, the child.

So basically just ditch the cell phone and "smart" devices

how does it do this in airport mode and wifi is turned off? black magic? my phone was bought with no ID required. nobody has my IMEI, i don't have a sim card, it only connects to my wifi point at home for a period of 10 minutes, solely to update apps. the google account was never verified and as long as it updates the certs before they expire i can go like this for years (already have). please tell me how this "changes nothing"? apparently changes a lot.

Seems like my phone's location could serve as an alibi.

I'm tin foil as fuck most of the time, but this catches dumb criminals.

>So basically just ditch the cell phone and "smart" devices
pretty much, user. that's basically the endgame for privacy and these things - by not owning any of this trash or refusing it permission to connect online.
