C++ is mental illness

why do gamedev nigggers don't make an engine in c and not c++. searching anything related to gamedev i basically have to append -c++ -c# "not c++" "in c" to get relevant results. is c++ the endgame? do game dev niggers actually know c++? what the fuck is RAII TEMPLATES AUTO CLASS AUTOMATIC DESTRUCTORS. do i need to learn the cuck langs to be professional game dev or should i stick to gdscript

Attached: HAHAHAHHHA.png (2779x1356, 470.79K)

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psychology is mental illness

Most gamedevs are retarded and just use c++ as c with classes. However, ironically this makes c++ bearable.

Somebody sold them oop so they have to use classes now.

There are C engines, id tech 1, 2, 3 and it's variations like GoldSrc.
I think unreal 1 was C?
Raylib isn't really engine but a but game dev library in C.
There are some custom hobby engine in C in github.
I think the guy making this post sometimes in /dpt/ github.com/EvilPudding/candle

C++ is the epitome of Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost fallacy combined.

They have spent so much time fighting with its horrible design decisions that they refuse to admit that the language as a whole just sucks, because that would equal admitting they wasted tons of time.

Don't be like that. Be honest with yourself and admit that shit languages are not worth bothering with, you'll save a lot of time in the long run.

Gamedev is only for schizoautistic people, if you're not then just give up.

It is entirely possible to use C++ with only C-like features and libraries, like what Muratori does on Handmade Hero.

Because using C++ you can write less code than with C. Lol in C you would have to give your enemy some sort of an ID, or an enum and then use a switch statement to give them different behaviour. Ugly as fuck, and you get way to long files which affects code maintability and increases development time. Meanwhile in C++ you just create an interface and implement it

>enum and then use a switch
>create an interface and implement it
now prove that interface over enum reduces lines of code and makes the code easier to read.
You are going to use enums and switches with c++ anyways, just read any fucking code base.

Gamedevs dont really use c++ in that way, they use c with classes and more strict type checks. They also try to avoid polymorphism so it's not very different from c.

there isn't a single modern AAA c engine everything out there is written in c++ and its fine like that.

>everything out there is written in c++

Attached: 1641110194404.gif (220x345, 301.97K)

stick to gdscript kid

>You are going to use enums and switches with c++ anyways, just read any fucking code base.
Not for enemy types. And yes there is less code, because you would need a base struct with a void* at the end and then cast this based on what ID the struct has, and you would need to do that for every single method

rustranny webshitter detected
>They also try to avoid polymorphism

this thread is about c vs c++ retard

are you actually retarded or do you just pretend?

There is no reason to use C over C++

filtered cnile kys

>no argument
Should I take that as your admission that C is useless outside of osdev, embedded and systems programming?

Smoke and mirrors, or ignorance. First, let's simplificate it
auto loophole(); //global loophole

struct loophole_t {
friend auto loophole() { return T{}; }; //inside loophole_t scope, shadowing global

int main()
static_assert(std::is_same< std::string, decltype( loophole() ) >::value); //here, name lookup grabs loophole_t::loophole()

Global loophole is not instantiated, so it's skipped during name lookup. Declaration of loophole_t brings its friend into the scope of main().

>do i need to learn the cuck langs to be professional game dev or should i stick to gdscript
sounds like you'll be fine with pygame

it's the same thing. C++ is a superset of C. Therefore even by arguing that literally every feature of C++ is useless, it would still make it just as good as C, because it has every feature of C. Best part? You only pay for what you use.

Any gamedev class will teach you c++. Except some indie gamedev classes which might teach you c#.
If you wanne be a professional learn c++.
It's not even that hard of programming language to learn.

This && /thread

>C++ is a superset of C
quit being retard

>quit being retard
I can sense that you are literally seething now, because you can't disprove anything, just post your faggotic rambles