GF Dumped Me

Her: I'm answering this once and that's it. Don't add this to ur "why im sad" list, just realize ur making this a bigger deal than it is. Soon i'll never see u again

You irritate me for all the stupid questions asked, the way you conduct urself in private and public places, and u use people's kindness to annoy the shit out of them

Now bye. Good luck with ur problems cause ur a mess and need to fix that!

Me: I’m sorry you feel the way you do. I don’t really know what instances apply to the grievances you listed, and it seems like you’re the one with the “why I’m so sad list.”

I didn’t leave the chat specifically because of you, but because of depression and didn’t feel that I could communicate with the other members appropriately, which included you. I didn’t want the other members to know about that so I kept it vague because it really isn’t their business, and they acted like babies because of it.

I would’ve been down to set up boundaries on what to talk about, but it looks like I must have intimidated you.

Regardless, I think I needed to hear what you said and for this to happen, honestly. Thanks for the wake up call, you were a fun time. Have a nice life.

So the relationship can never recover right? I’m not planning on contacting her again, and she graduated from our college already.

Attached: F9FB8AD6-8092-45A1-B983-94726E0F5AE5.jpg (724x1024, 83.04K)

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Online relationships are for Zoomer kids. Grow up.

Pretty fucking cringey user. Man the fuck up and take it as a lesson. No wonder she left you

Women need to be led by a strong masculine man, no matter how much they and society preaches about strong independant women.

Also, blaming anything on
>muh depression
Is some fucking beta shit.

Women want MEN, not boys full of emotions. Any women will have enough emotions for the both of you to deal with. They depend on you be a rock. Toxic masculinity is a meme, dont fall for it.

So that’s it? She’s never going to contact me again?

>not boys full of emotions
These Anons said while posting posts full of emotions.

modern women are spoiled as fuck, forget about them and wait 10 more years for the metaverse where everyone can be anything and we'll all have virtual sex in our touchsense bodysuits

sounds like you use your depression as a tool/bargaining chip to explain away shitty behavior. it's one thing if you're depressed and dealing with it and it occasionally affects other people - but its another if you're self diagnosing with depression and using it as an excuse to force everyone to maneuver around you and to try to strongarm into getting your way. your friends are your friends and have their limits to what they can do or deal with; theyre not your therapists or emotional support pillows

>drama about a groupchat
jesus christ on a jumping cross it sounds like you all are retards.

>theyre not your [...] emotional support
Then they're not friends, lol.

Yes it's over. She really liked you despite
>Good luck with ur problems cause ur a mess and need to fix that!
>You irritate me for all the stupid questions asked
>the way you conduct urself in private and public places
>u use people's kindness to annoy the shit out of them
All very valid reasons on their own to kick someone out. She's surprised she ever fell for you. Maybe in 5, 10 years time you'll get another chance - when she's divorced with 2 toddlers you can't possibly take care of.

Lesson learned, hopefully. Take her advice to heart, she's most likely right. It's very hurtful to hear but her intent was certainly not mean-spirited.

Attached: 13103f965e8b823b11e52da702b8dc99792d6034f17279838ee1484be4af6ccd.jpg (1242x1455, 770.43K)

>Begins with a good statement
> Goes ultra cringey with some alpha male trad wife rant that goes nowhere but in his ass
You reek of larping incel.

theres that entitlement rearing its ugly head. youre coming in with the expectation of them owing you something (listening to your problems) even if they didnt sign up for that.
if they WANT to help you out and listen to you and agree to it, then that's one thing. but for you to just expect that of every person in your life is unreasonable. and it sounds like you push their boundaries of what theyre not comfortable with because you think "thats what friends should do for me."

tl;dr - know your audience. i have close friends who i KNOW i can talk about deeper mental health stuff with, and other good friends who dont know how to deal with it and become uncomfortable. so i dont force it onto the people who arent comfortable with it and respect that boundary.

relationships and friendships are a two-way street, user.

What shitty post-modern masculinity podcast have you been on you edgy retard?
You can go on and seethe all you want while getting motivated by these shitty values but don't give advice ever again.


you are a dellusional psycho who enjoys gaslighting


Thats a really comfy pic


real men dont dump their emotions onto the nearest woman, they learn to deal with them themselves. and i dont mean that "STUFF IT DOWN AND EXUDE STRENGTH" bullshit, i mean actually feel and process the emotions without dumping it all onto others.

your girlfriend is not your mommy.

Attached: cope.png (3171x1744, 437.75K)

So you’re saying that she said that because she genuinely wants me to get better and not rely on her?

Happily married to a good woman and have three children. Womp womp no points for you

She doesnt want you, you shouldn't care about what she wants

See the about it all you want, you know hes right.

>theres that entitlement rearing its ugly head.
It's called human relationships in a nutshell, user. And your take on them is deeply unhealthy.

>youre coming in with the expectation of them owing you something (listening to your problems)
Again, human relationships in a nutshell. That's their main purpose, whether romantic, platonic, familial, etc.

>even if they didnt sign up for that
Then they also have a naïve and unhealthy view on relationships.

>if they WANT to help you out and listen to you and agree to it, then that's
human relationships in basicality, which you're having a lot of trouble grasping.

>but for you to just expect that of every person in your life is
healthy and typical. It's how communities generally work, user.

>and it sounds like you push their boundaries of what theyre not comfortable with
You're talking about something else entirely.

>tl;dr - know your audience.

>i have close friends who i KNOW i can talk about deeper mental health stuff with
That implies you have friends at all, lol.

>and other good friends who dont know how to deal with it and become uncomfortable
Sounds like shitty friends, or more accurately: not friends at all.

>so i dont force it onto the people who arent comfortable with it and respect that boundary.
Again, talking about something else entirely.

>relationships and friendships are a two-way street, user.
Bad faith argument.

>Good wife
>3 kids
>Arguing on Any Forums
Either you're the 0.0000001% unicorn, or you're a liar or in denial or compensating hard.