Be me

>be me
>28, tradesmen
>married to stay at home tradwife
>3 kids
>50 acres of land in the country
>hueg garden
>farm animals

Why havent you taken the tradpill?

Attached: marlboro_man2.jpg (248x335, 10.48K)

Bringing children into this world is immoral retard, you've doomed them to an existence of suffering, and if gods real, probably a one way ticket to hell

If you never had them, they never would have had to suffer that fate. Now they do, and it's all your fault.

because this is a larp

been thinking about moving in and working w a friend in trades, just sank too much money into college to not finish at this point

Only weak people think like this. You are projecting your own torment on the outside world. You think because you have failed at life that life is awful. Actually it can be pretty fun and with kids it can be extremely fulfilling. Too bad nobody wants kids with you user...

This is a cigarette commercial.


Life has never been easier for the majority of the first world. Fact is you're just a lazy, entitled faggot was spoiled from childbirth. You've never had to struggle for anything meaningful. That's why you're a miserable faggot

>boo hoo life is suffering dont have kids
Don't fall for this propaganda
Your lily white ass doesnt even know what suffering is. We as a society are overdue for some hard times. The past few generations have had it way too fucking easy, resulting in hordes of pussified, weak, emasculated, sad men

He smokes marlboro, you smoke cock


Your life sounds dull as fuck. I spend my nights taking all sorts of drugs and having freaky sex.

, tradesmen
>>married to stay at home tradwife
acres of land in the country
>>hueg garden
>>farm animals
sounds boring as all shit

Attached: murp hurp durr hurrrr derp.png (721x667, 437.16K)

Based. Lefty friend of mine was giving me lip because I just had a 2nd and we're considering a 3rd.

"Don't you know they're just gonna die a miserable death by 30!" Something something over population, climate change, blah blah blah.

Why are leftists so miserable all the fucking time?

>not drinking a bottle of wine and smoking a joint with your tradwife amd doing whatever you want to her

Some of those church girls are extra freaky user. And loyal as fuck

Nice, we just had our 3rd and my wife was planning for a 4th before we even left the hospital lol

living the dream user

Said the guy on an anonymous Taiwanese rice farming forum on a tuesday afternoon

I was never offered the “generic’ pill.
Traditions are for drones and the mindless.

Said the guy on an anonymous Taiwanese rice farming forum on a tuesday afternoon

Pretty ironic that you would post that here of all places kek

, tradesmen

This just means mommy and daddy gave you a job and you're married to someone who's happy to leech off you

have fun getting cucked

NOBODY who posts here is trad, it's all degenerate losers filled with self-loathing that LARP about trad living with rose-tinted glasses. Then you have those few normal people who don't idolize trivial easily obtained lifestyles.