Name one thing better than good oral hygiene and a proper dental plan with regular checkups

Name one thing better than good oral hygiene and a proper dental plan with regular checkups.

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My nigga

washing hands everytime after touching toilet leftist fail in that homo faggots poop disease spreaders and they keep snuffling because they haven't learned how to blow their nose. Man childs

No hes my nigga, I saw him first.

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>all liberals have bad hygiene
alt right clown

Tell us you have monkeypox without telling us you have monkeypox.

He said 'leftists' not 'liberals'. Everybody knows you're not liberals. You're authoritarian shitheels who deserve nothing but the noose.

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So we're just making up shit now okay

>waaaahhh I can't be openly racist, sexist and homophobic without consequences

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That's right. Continue denying reality, if you do it hard enough then maybe everyone will join in your make believe!

Have we actually found someone with a negative IQ here? Try reading it again, faggot.

Sure you can. Give it a try.

>straight to th red hat
Eternally rent free

Do you even know what left means in regard to politics?

I do. You clearly don't.

What does it mean?

There are hourly Trump threads on Any Forums.
Rent paid in full.

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That's what they been doing for a while now. If you make everything shit you can't tell what real anymore.

And moist vagina

LoL he said moist.

LMAO DTS is real

Depends on which source you're consulting. Originally it was used in the French Revolution to describe the arm of the revolutionary parliament that wanted radical change, as opposed to the arm that wanted more controlled reform. By the twentieth century it had moved more into heavy government control of the economy, usually with heavy socialist overtones. By now though it mostly just means spoiled, teenage, rich kids who desperately want to destroy the only cultures that could ever support their lifestyles, who idolise some of the worst tyrants and mass-murderers in human history, and who are mostly motivated by their pathological hatred of everything and everyone including themselves.

rent paid in full redhat

So no one wants to discuss oral hygiene?

:( no more red hat memes?

How does it feel when you remember that you're a soulless p-zombie and basically just a pillar of vaguely animate meat that more or less resembles a human?

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>surely you meant the history of left wing that I had to google not the current, relevant meaning

>he needs to use google to look up basic descriptions of things
LMAO. You're still refusing to engage, and I gave you the current relevant meaning - as you seem to be kind of retarded read the last one again, the one that starts with 'By now though'.

Brush your teeth faggot

that is also leftist problem idiot