Old websites & defunct services

What are some websites you miss or used to be good? Old services are fine too.
I remember having a personal site (remember when people made those?) back in '06 with geocities. That site is the reason I had my first time with some emo chick I talked to on AIM.

Attached: geocities.png (956x666, 119.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Zeropaid forums


Manually curated independent news/lifestyle/design/shilling sites used to be actually good, these days the ones that are still alive just blindly repost major industry press releases and/or youtube start page content.

For me it was “accidentally” downloading porn via limewire

This. The last time I genuinely went to one was back in 2009 and when I tried to go to one as recent as 2020 it was fucking atrocious.

I miss news sites having unique variations of this web page style.
Now they all literally look like copy-and-pastes of one another. This can apply to most websites and blogs today actually.
I miss when building a website meant giving it some personality. "Oh cool, somebody made this?!" instead of some minimalist white background template shit out of squarespace.

Attached: web-page-2001-msn.png (768x551, 287.77K)

Attached: foxsports-2000.png (830x1830, 190.79K)

same user here, webdesignmuseum.org is great for browsing this sort of content

I never realized how pleasant things used to look.

Attached: hotmail-2000.png (800x600, 18.96K)

>You now remember ICQ

Attached: icq-2001.png (800x1720, 97.27K)


my first imageboard/oekaki was mewheart

does freeweb still exist?

Most content got purged.



Attached: 910129AC-D4F5-4724-B01D-F680111699C5.gif (595x525, 3.92M)

Any Forums



Oh yeah, this one as well