Why are whites such hypocrites they don't call this out?

Police kidnap and torture people on made up charges, yet all of a sudden they care about Jussie Smollet supposedly making a false accusation. Nevermind that the DA dropped the case due to lack of evidence, all of a sudden the police care about false accusations of it's a black guy saying it. Why the hypocrisy?


Attached: copsbeingcops5.png (814x325, 45.02K)

who is hypocrite here and how? police are corrupt, that's nothing new
>Nevermind that the DA dropped the case due to lack of evidence
because the studio likely pressured him to drop it because he's "famous". but I'm pretty sure they ended up pressing charges eventually anyway
the fuck do white people have to do with any of this

Lmao at "the studio holds political power"

You don't expect me to believe that do you? And btw, if cops cared so much about protecting people and false accusations, why are they such hypocrites?

I was pointing out white people's hypocrisy on this. They go on and on about Smollet, yet care nothing about this. Smollet didn't even hurt anyone, yet the police are kidnapping and torturing people left and right.

>if cops cared so much about protecting people
lmao, you don't actually believe that do you? the police do not care about the public, they care about keeping orders, their jobs, and quotas, they aren't your friend

I know that. THIS WAS TO POINT OUT WHITE PEOPLE'S HYPOCRISY! They have obvious selective outrage here.

Jesus christ.

They've been kidnapping and killing people since the 50s.

Why is this news to you? Are you 16?

I still don't understand who the hypocrite is. police do fucked up shit every day, but the only ones who can hold them accountable are the justice system and their internal affairs, who rarely find any wrongdoing
no one in the public is ok with the shit they do, but no one can stop them. who's the hypocrite here?

the Jessie Smollett case got a lot of press because he's a hollywood actor, so it becomes a high profile case that gets national attention. and it's pretty upsetting for someone like that to try and make their name more well known by inventing a fake crime for them to be victimized by, especially trying to make it racially motivated, when tensions are already high. this is a lot bigger deal than you're making it out to be
local police doing fucked up shit in their own jurisdiction isn't news, it's just another day, so it doesn't get attention


babies first political crisis

I think OP just learned the word "hypocrisy" and was trying to find a way to use it in a sentence

"HUWHITE PEEEPOL" ya shits been going on for centuries and its everyone, all governments pulll this shit, you racist faggot.

Ain't nothing about Chicago that's run by whites. All kikes and their negro puppets.

Except whites have a blind defensive mindset for police. They don't condemn this stuff.

>white people condone the police kidnapping and assaulting citizens
you're literally retarded

>all niggers
may they rot in hell. there are blacks and there are niggers. there are white niggers. there are Asian niggers. every single nigger should be treated this way. erase the from the fucking earth. I'm from Gary Indiana (I'm white) and I can tell you there's a massive amount of black niggers holding the rest of them down from the world's respect. good, honest, tax paying people. it's up to blacks to sort this shit out though there's nothing we can do anymore. they have to fucking call a spade a spade and subject the niggers to euthanization

>responds with nothing except an insult

Look at the people calling blacks "dindus" and Black Lives Matter a terrorist group. And no, it's not the Asians.

someone claiming that anyone supports the police being corrupt doesn't deserve a serious reply as the premise is laughable on its face

They don't think it's corruption you idiot. They get off on this stuff.

I want whatever industrial grade pharmaceuticals you're on

It's called seeing every comment section about the police on social media

social media is rotting your brain then. they use all kinds of algorithms to keep you in echo chambers with like minded people, and keep showing you content to keep you engaged and outraged. it's not the real world, it's just a very very loud vocal minority, that warps your perception into thinking that's how the world is at large
you're all bent out of shape because you think a tempest in a teacup extends to everyone else