Woke-Bots Are Controlling Your Mind


As we know and have known, most of the pro-left-wing content on here and on the internet is bot farms.

Attached: DEFA45F5-07DB-4014-A82D-4863907341DA.jpg (498x1024, 99.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


“Fake it till you make it”

Everyone is a product of their environment, they control the internet/social media/media itself, and the sheep follow. The constant trump hate threads, pro-ukraine bullshit, anti-white bullshit, pro-gay/trans/mentally ill garbage. It’s all on purpose. Done to manipulate you idiots into ruining your own lives and believing whatever benefits them.

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bumping all night, don’t care, not being auto-saged

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have you considered taking your meds again, schizo? your episodes are getting worse.

thats not that many impressions really. How is "Social Media Impression" measured? Ads? Organic only? Retweets? And how many accounts were those 51Bn impression split up between?

Hell, only 10 right wing nutjobs spun up the whole "groomer" conspiracy and racked up 47million impressions in only a few months.... You telling me in 3 years of 'farming' they only accomplished 51Bn.... those are rookie numbers.

everyone is using bots, we are all aware, quit trying to claim your side isnt by implying that the other side does.... and if your side is using, but is just getting beat, maybe stop crying, learn to program, and stfu about your luddite directionaism. Not saying it's right or ethical, and i'm no leftist, but it is what it is, so go fuck yourself Ivan (you suck at projection)

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Fuckin' kek!

Nice deflection. Link and everything (not to mention it’s obvious even without proof) and you still cry and say it’s a lie. You’re truly pathetic, but then again, you’re either a shill, or a sheep

victoria police have bots on facebook spreading mass propaganda.

Does anybody know a good youtube video downloaded I want to save the videos before they delete them

I thought the same thing user watch the YouTube videos they speak for themselves


schizo, i dont care, take your meds, read youre acting like this is some sort of new thing

The goberment still refuses to investigate the obvious election fraud keeping Jesus's anointed president, Donald Trump, from continuing his crusade for freedom and every day the story slips further and further from the "lame-steam" media's attention. I say we force it down their throats! So when you go to vote in the upcoming midterm elections make sure you write in Donald Jay Trump for every available office!!!

Any Forums, I am begging you to screenshot this and share it with every God-fearing voter you know! Seriously. If we can get a large enough portion of them behind this protest I know it will lead to a better America!

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This type of post is just as, if not more common. You're making an appeal against persuasive propaganda by posting your own version of it, complete with links and memes preemptivelyassembled. What reason do I have to believe you aren't just competing for the mind control?

Wtf are you talking about?


>oh no it’s not reddit so it’s not true!

yeah, idiots who think like that are who these bots are made for lol


yeah, you read, please, and not propaganda for once

i took a proper gander at your mum last night

Your thinly-veiled anti-Trump bullshit is hilarious and easily spotted, try harder shill

Hilarious, thanks for the bump