How does Any Forums pay attention in their university CS classes...

how does Any Forums pay attention in their university CS classes? i know plenty of you fucks must have struggled with this as well
and don't say amphetamines - i already tried that, but it didn't work

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cs is not that hard
i got my degree just by studying couple of days before every exam

it's not that it's difficult to pass. that's not the concern here. i am in my fourth year and never paid any attention to my classes so far. but this semester the courses are actually interesting, so i want to learn more in depth, but i still can't bring myself to pay attention

It has been a while since I graduated, but I'm just going to say that revising the course material before the course really helps. You might want to sit down and skim through the material first, then read the slides if they are available, then skim the course book, and then just look at the exercises and try to figure it out what they are all about before reading the topic from the very beginning. You probably can't pay attention because the courses are too hard to distill down in one go, in real time, especially if your instructor is bad at teaching and bombard you with information for an hour or longer, and doesn't explain the basics before moving on to complex subjects.

Also, if you can pass the exams just by studying a day before, your university is probably shit and you should transfer to somewhere else.

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it really doesn't help that 90% of the profs are incredibly indian/chinese/etc. and have the accents you would expect of that
i think my university is pretty decent, though. Any Forums mentions it from time to time

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following lectures never worked well for me
reading the lecture notes on my own pace was easier
try reading the book atomic habits, if you have problems with procrastination

I don't know about burger universities, but our professors made a point that you should really understand the course material to pass the exams, let alone getting a high grade. Most of our exams were open book, you could bring along the course slides, the course book, your notes, your cheat sheets but that didn't really help most of the students anyway. It was brutal, but I understand why they did that.

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is that book actually worth reading? i saw it being shilled on y*utube so i immediately disregarded it
im not even all that bad about procrastinating anymore it's just hard to pay attention
cute pic
my courses this semester are much more project-based than exam-based, but it's basically the same idea. you can have all the resources in the world, but if you don't understand the material, you're not going to get anywhere

You read the book
Graph algorithms are fun
Automata theory is ok
The math is cool

>is that book actually worth reading? i saw it being shilled on y*utube so i immediately disregarded it
it's just a short howto book about building good habits and getting rid of bad ones or getting constantly distracted and being unorganized

Concentration is a skill and you can train it with meditation or doing concentration heavy tasks like juggling
Take a week long detox from social media and especially Any Forums, the dopamine of a (You) contributes to a shorter attention span

>don't say amphetamines - i already tried that, but it didn't work
I was diagnosed at 31. In university I constantly played with my phone or tablet. 2048, minesweeper and Simon Tatham's games were perfect to keep myself stimulated just enough to pay attention.

I didn’t go to school I got into dev studying on my own :^)

none of my courses have textbooks, thank god
okay that seems decent enough. i can check it out in my free time, if i have any
i don't use social media other than Any Forums
4chan is admittedly something that i use way too often when i should be paying attention in class. i just find it so hard to keep track with the lecture when i'm used to watching everything at 2x speed. it feels incredibly slow
it was nice when all of the lectures were recorded, so i could just watch them all at 2x
yes, prescription. i have tried adderall IR, vyvanse, and i am on concerta ER currently (not technically an amphetamine, but same idea)
they definitely help (a lot), but it hasn't fixed the issue entirely
i used to play 2048 years back, so maybe i could try that again. it's nice and mindless - more so than posting on Any Forums - so maybe i would be better able to pay attention with that

In my experience, the only reasons to actually go and attend lectures are:
- There is no written note or book about the content of the lecture, and you would have to stitch together the information from a dozen of books or papers if you don't take notes yourself.
- There is some sort of direct punishment for not attending.
- The teacher is really good. (Extremely rare, you can essentially ignore this)
- You already understand 60+% of the content of the lecture before it begins.

I, and I assume most other people inevitably get distracted for about a good minute for every 15 minutes of lecture time, so if you don't already know enough about the topic that you can figure out what's up after your first little amnesia, then the rest of the lecture is wasted time. It's so much nicer to just read the things you have to learn and think them through at your own pace, then maybe discuss them with others if you don't understand something. My suggestion is to do this and ignore the lectures whenever you have the opportunity.

Dropped out in high school to pursue a career on

9 years later I am travelling the world

Just do it (tm)

If you can't follow a lecture, it's because you don't fully understand the material. If you did, you'd be able to construct a model of it in your head and the lecture would be easy to follow because it just adds to that model. This doesn't mean you're necessarily at fault though, because god knows how many professors talk through their ass and expect people to understand shit that is presented in a structurally flawed way.

Learned coding from youtube then went straight into internships and bootcamps once I had projects to prove I knew stuff. Couldnt have paid attention in a college course format nor do I think it's worth the money. Those programs are all out of date, take too long, and cuck into permanent debt slavery. If you're really techy you should have heard about by now

>permanent debt slavery
have you tried not being poor? there's no reason whatsoever to take out loans that you can't afford to pay back. it's called not being retarded

i didn't get a CS cucked degree so i wouldn't know only cucks get CS degrees