Post your favourite movies!

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Movies are for retards.

Idk if you are trolling, but that one is actually great!

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I love it, but I hate most movies



Not him but I also think it's based

>Daniel Craig

Fuck that little dwarf troll.

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Very literally just finished watching this. Great movie. Needs more Sienna though


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It's a great movie user, I recommend

Cant watch it, unless Craig gets murdered violently in the beginning never to be seen for the rest of the movie.

This is a good one. Kichiku Dai Enkai.

Also known as hate spic dudes, they can die. Or fuck every tranny retard youtuber like nyx fears and every trend rider. Nigger I’ve been watching movies like this since I was 13.

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is this one from a fake movie poster generator website?

Awesome movie! There's a book out that's a prequel called Heat 2. I've read it completely sucks. The writing and story, but it was written by a woman so....